docker-nginx-django-channels icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Simple example showing how django channels can work behind nginx


Simple example showing how django channels can work behind nginx

Getting started

Run docker-compose up --build -d, omitting -d if you want to be fed the logs immediately (remember ctrl + z will exit out of logs without killing the containers).

Then run docker-compose run django_asgi python migrate for the initial migration. This can also be achieved by entering the container via docker exec -it django_asgi bash and then running the commands.

and finally run docker-compose run django_asgi python createsuperuser

How it works

The default.conf nginx configuration shows how certain paths are mapped to either the wsgi worker or the asgi worker:

  • / maps to uwsgi. Meaning it passes on the request via uwsgi_pass to django_wsgi, which internal DNS lookup points to the django_wsgi container
  • /chat/stream maps to asgi. This uses proxy_pass to conserve the websocket and passes to http://django_asgi, which maps to the django_asgi container.


This repo is based on Andrew Godwin's channels examples.