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Easy monkey-patching for node.js unit tests

Results 58 rewire issues
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Currently the version of eslint that is being used by rewire has some vulnerable dependencies. Updating to to version 8 resolves these issues. Please let me know know if you...

I've been trying to use rewire with FRP languages such as ramda and experienced an issue/downfall which I'd like to bring up for discussion. This relates to previous tickets which...

I'm still seeing #144 which has been closed I'm still seeing this in rewire v6 / jest v27.4.5. ### db.js ```javascript function connectDB() { console.log('in connectdb'); } module.exports.connectDB = connectDB;...

When using rewire with typescript an error is thrown about assigning values to consts when trying to override top level variables. This is because rewire is not intercepting and re-writing...

Bumps [minimist]( from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6. Commits 7efb22a 1.2.6 ef88b93 security notice for additional prototype pollution issue c2b9819 isConstructorOrProto adapted from PR bc8ecee test from prototype pollution PR See full...


Are you planning natively support ESM?

This attempts to fix a slightly strange issue I had when using `rewire` with `ts-node`. For some reason (I think because the `ts-node` loader is doing some magic with the...

Hi, There are some vulnerabilities within some dependencies that can be addressed by updating the dependency eslint. This updates a dependency call strip-ansi that used a vulnerable version of...

when upgrading to mocha >3 rewire ruins the code coverge generate by nyc. all works well without using rewire.. node version: 10.15.2 rewire: 4.0.1 nyc: 13.3.0 mocha: works with '3.5.3',...

I would like to have a clean environment and therefor less dependencies. Eslint unfortunately has to many dependencies itself. So I would like to avoid it at all. Is it...