generator-jhipster copied to clipboard
Add support to modifyDataType for entity type changes
Overview of the issue
Executing jhipster jdl .\road-parking.jdl --incremental-changelog
after changing entity UserExtended.phoneNumber from String to Integer. Everything works well but Change log of modifying column, modifyDataType tag , cannot be created automatically.
Motivation for or Use Case
Reproduce the error
orginal jdl
` entity Role { name String required maxlength(10) type RoleType isEnabled Boolean }
enum RoleType{ ADMIN, USER, MANAGER }
entity Permission { name String description String url String isEnabled Boolean } entity UserExtended{ phoneNumber String sex Sex }
relationship ManyToOne{ Role{permission} to Permission }
relationship OneToOne{ UserExtended{user(login)} to User with builtInEntity }
service all with serviceImpl `
modified jdl
` entity Role { name String required maxlength(10) type RoleType isEnabled Boolean }
enum RoleType{ ADMIN, USER, MANAGER }
entity Permission { name String url String isEnabled Boolean } entity UserExtended{ phoneNumber Integer nickName String sex Sex }
entity Friend{ firstName String lastName String sex Sex age Integer }
relationship ManyToOne{ Role{permission} to Permission Friend{UserExtended} to UserExtended }
relationship OneToOne{ UserExtended{user(login)} to User with builtInEntity }
service all with serviceImpl `
execute the following comand
jhipster jdl .\road-parking.jdl --incremental-changelog
Related issues
Suggest a Fix
JHipster Version(s)
`jhipster info WARNING! Since JHipster v8, the jhipster command will not use the locally installed generator-jhipster. If you want to execute the locally installed generator-jhipster, run: npx jhipster
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Welcome to the JHipster Information Sub-Generator
[email protected] C:\workspace\bi\road-parking
`-- [email protected]
JHipster configuration, a .yo-rc.json
file generated in the root folder
.yo-rc.json file
{ "generator-jhipster": { "applicationType": "monolith", "authenticationType": "jwt", "baseName": "roadParking", "buildTool": "maven", "cacheProvider": "ehcache", "clientFramework": "vue", "clientTestFrameworks": [ "cypress" ], "clientTheme": "none", "creationTimestamp": 1717723305879, "cypressAudit": true, "cypressCoverage": null, "databaseType": "sql", "devDatabaseType": "postgresql", "devServerPort": 9060, "enableHibernateCache": true, "enableSwaggerCodegen": true, "enableTranslation": true, "entities": [ "Role", "Permission", "UserExtended" ], "feignClient": null, "incrementalChangelog": true, "jhipsterVersion": "8.5.0", "languages": [ "zh-cn", "en" ], "lastLiquibaseTimestamp": 1718097829000, "messageBroker": false, "microfrontend": null, "microfrontends": [], "nativeLanguage": "zh-cn", "packageName": "com.jlzn.road", "prodDatabaseType": "postgresql", "reactive": false, "searchEngine": false, "serverPort": null, "serverSideOptions": [ "websocket:spring-websocket", "enableSwaggerCodegen:true" ], "serviceDiscoveryType": false, "syncUserWithIdp": null, "testFrameworks": [ "cucumber", "cypress" ], "websocket": "spring-websocket", "withAdminUi": true } }
Environment and Tools
openjdk version "21.0.2" 2024-01-16 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 21.0.2+13-58) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0.2+13-58, mixed mode, sharing)
git version
node: v20.13.1 npm: 10.5.2
Docker version 26.0.0, build 2ae903e
JDL for the Entity configuration(s) entityName.json
files generated in the .jhipster
JDL entity definitions
entity Friend { firstName String lastName String sex Sex age Integer } @ChangelogDate("20240607072345") entity Role { name String required maxlength(10) type RoleType isEnabled Boolean } @ChangelogDate("20240607072346") entity Permission { name String url String isEnabled Boolean } @ChangelogDate("20240607072347") entity UserExtended { phoneNumber Integer nickName String sex Sex } enum Sex { MALE, FEMALE, OTHER } enum RoleType { ADMIN, USER, MANAGER } relationship OneToOne { UserExtended{user(login)} to User with builtInEntity } relationship ManyToOne { Friend{userExtended} to UserExtended Role{permission} to Permission } service Friend, Role, Permission, UserExtended with serviceImpl search Role, Permission, UserExtended with no
Congratulations, JHipster execution is complete! If you find JHipster useful consider sponsoring the project
Thanks for using JHipster!`
JHipster configuration
Entity configuration(s) entityName.json
files generated in the .jhipster
Friend.json Permission.json Role.json UserExtended.json
Browsers and Operating System
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