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Bad SQL grammar is thrown for all entities with string ID types
Hello everyone,
Overview of the issue
Due to the fix for SQL Injection in Reactive project included with Release 7.8.1 (2022-04-07) where jhipster has replaced the Criteria with Condition in the EntityManager bean. E.g.
Prior to version 7.8.1
public class EntityManager {
* Creates an SQL select statement from the given fragment and pagination parameters.
* @param selectFrom a representation of a select statement.
* @param entityType the entity type which holds the table name.
* @param pageable page parameter, or null, if everything needs to be returned
* @return sql select statement
public String createSelect(SelectFromAndJoin selectFrom, Class<?> entityType, Pageable pageable, Criteria criteria) {
if (pageable != null) {
if (criteria != null) {
return createSelectImpl(
selectFrom.limitOffset(pageable.getPageSize(), pageable.getOffset()).where(Conditions.just(criteria.toString())),
} else {
return createSelectImpl(
selectFrom.limitOffset(pageable.getPageSize(), pageable.getOffset()),
} else {
if (criteria != null) {
return createSelectImpl(selectFrom.where(Conditions.just(criteria.toString())), entityType, null);
} else {
return createSelectImpl(selectFrom, entityType, null);
And now
public class EntityManager {
* Creates an SQL select statement from the given fragment and pagination parameters.
* @param selectFrom a representation of a select statement.
* @param entityType the entity type which holds the table name.
* @param pageable page parameter, or null, if everything needs to be returned.
* @param where condition or null. The condition to apply as where clause.
* @return sql select statement
public String createSelect(SelectFromAndJoin selectFrom, Class<?> entityType, Pageable pageable, Condition where) {
if (pageable != null) {
if (where != null) {
return createSelectImpl(
selectFrom.limitOffset(pageable.getPageSize(), pageable.getOffset()).where(where),
} else {
return createSelectImpl(
selectFrom.limitOffset(pageable.getPageSize(), pageable.getOffset()),
} else {
if (where != null) {
return createSelectImpl(selectFrom.where(where), entityType, null);
} else {
return createSelectImpl(selectFrom, entityType, null);
the application will throw BadSqlGrammarException each time an entity is accessed by its ID.
Motivation for or Use Case
Reproduce the error
Generate project with reactive with Spring WebFlux and set the database type to SQL
Related issues
SQL Injection in Reactive project
Suggest a Fix
We could generate ExampleRepositoryInternalImpl to wrap with single quote all entities with string type IDs, something like this:
class ExampleRepositoryInternalImpl extends...
public Mono<Example> findById(String id) {
Comparison whereClause = Conditions.isEqual(entityTable.column("id"), Conditions.just("'" + id.toString() + "'"));
return createQuery(null, whereClause).one();
Despite the idea, we cannot forget that whenever we use the Condition API to filter a string type, we have to wrap the field with single quotes.
JHipster Version(s)
7.8.1 (2022-04-07)
JHipster configuration
reactive with Spring WebFlux? Yes
type of database? SQL
Entity configuration(s) entityName.json
files generated in the .jhipster
entity Example {
id String
name String
Browsers and Operating System
Thanks @rjbgaspar to report the issue. Are you available to contribute with a PR?
Adding a bug bounty since this is a bug
Hi @DanielFran,
Maybe in the future, at the moment I don't know the implementation of the generator and it would take quite some time to do it.
When I have the time and knowledge, I intend to give my contribution.
@DanielFran As I introduced this bug I can have a look to differentiate the id type and adapt the code.
Going to work on this later today, so we could have it in the next 7.9 release @DanielFran