Javier Hidalgo-Carrió
Javier Hidalgo-Carrió
## Review checklist for @jhidalgocarrio ### Conflict of interest - [x] I confirm that I have read the [JOSS conflict of interest (COI) policy](https://github.com/openjournals/joss/blob/master/COI.md) and that: I have no COIs...
Thanks to the Authors for this contribution. I reviewed the installation process ### Building DSOPP #### Installing python dependencies `pip3 -r requirements.txt` this command is missing the install option. PR...
Here is my review update. * [Installation Success] on Ubuntu 20.04 (w/o docker) I am testing DSOPP from scratch. The installation worked after several problems with -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=20 in the 3rd_party...
Hi @Solonets, I see now we have live visualization of camera poses and the map. It is very helpful. Thanks. I share the same comments with @Mirmix I don't see...
Hi, Thanks for your comment. Working in rosbag2pocolog.py, I agree it would be a nice tool. In the meantime you might find the pocolog files (.log) in the [dataset webpage](https://rpg.ifi.uzh.ch/eds.html#dataset)....
Hi @huangfeng95 , You are right. The step size should be 640 * 3=1920. However, I converted using step = 640 * 3 * 8 = 15360. (Multiplying by the...
Hi thanks for trying out the code. I think you are missing to source the environmental variables. This is the reason why ruby cannot find the _orocos_ library. The env...
Can you do the following in a terminal: ``` cd ~/rock/dev source env.sh autoproj build slam/orogen/eds ``` Can you show your output?
It cannot find your opencv installation. Can you try? ``` cd ~/rock/dev source env.sh autoproj update slam/eds autoproj build slam/eds ldd install/lib/libeds.so ```
Hi @varun19299 You could use [this repository](https://github.com/jhidalgocarrio/tools-dsec2pocolog) to convert DSEC format to pocolog. It is a rock component (similar to a ros node) since, unfortunately, you still need C++ to...