smtp-mail copied to clipboard
<socket: 6>: Data.ByteString.hGetLine: end of file
I get this error when calling sendMailWithLogin' "" 465 "[email protected]" "password" mail
Nothing else! How do I get more information about the error? Any idea what can be causing it?
+1 to this issue. Problem somewhere in deep of
+1 here
This problem also occured with packages like HaskellNet
and mime-mail
For me problem was that my smtp server had a SSL connection security and i don't think this package has a SSL solution.
Below is the working code:
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module SendMail (mailer) where
import System.IO
import Network.Mail.Mime
import Network.HaskellNet.SMTP
import Network.HaskellNet.SMTP.SSL
import Network.HaskellNet.Auth
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
server = ""
port = 465
authType = LOGIN
from = ""
to = ""
subject = "Network.HaskellNet.SMTP Test :)"
plainBody = "Hello world!"
htmlBody = "<html><head></head><body><h1>Hello <i>world!</i></h1></body></html>"
attachments = [] -- example [("application/octet-stream", "/path/to/file1.tar.gz), ("application/pdf", "/path/to/file2.pdf")]
mailer = doSMTPSSL server $ \conn -> do
putStrLn "usr: "
username <- getLine
putStrLn "pass: "
password <-getLine
print $ username
print $ password
authSuccess <- authenticate authType username password conn
if authSuccess
sendMimeMail to from subject plainBody htmlBody [] conn
else putStrLn "Authentication failed."
The key here is HaskellNet-SSL
package wich provides SSL connection and mime-mail
that constructs the mails themselves.
Is it possible to add SSL support to smpt-mail
package? I discovered the following Reddit post and SSL support was requested 5 years ago:
Apparently, the person who wanted to send PR didn't manage to do this...