It would be cool if we could have an assist that would do the following transformation: ```rust struct Foo; impl Foo { fn test(&self) -> usize { /// A doc...
re-opening #96 Internally, we've (discord) wrapped `cassandra-rs` to basically implicitly associate a given Statement, PreparedStatement & Batch with a given Session. This PR tries to improve upon that, by building...
#91 was a "hackfix", but I realized that we indeed do have a `CassCollection` trait, and we can most definitely use it here, insofar as we can revive `set_collection(&mut self,...
Currently, the underlying C++ library defaults everything to a consistency level of ONE. (https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/cpp-driver/2.15/api/struct.CassStatement/#function-cass_statement_set_consistency) It doesn't allow you to specify a more sensible default. Since we're wrapping this library, we...
A prepared statement that has a `SELECT *` in it is unsafe. More details here: - https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/java-driver/3.0/manual/statements/prepared/#avoid-preparing-select-queries - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-10786 This is a very very bad footgun, and can cause your...
We've been working on this internally, and wondering if it'd be worth up upstreaming (would you accept this change-set?). Essentially it writes all the boring code of converting to/from rust...
With this code, the `B: IntoIterator,` bound added breaks inference on `a`. ```rust struct Foo { bar: u64, } fn what(a: A, b: B) where A: IntoIterator, B: IntoIterator, {...
Although it's a bit too early to start optimizing for speed. I think that implementing the parser and lexer in Cython would speed up parsing speed. Or maybe we want...
Add **slots** to classes where appropriate. Also convert Loc dict to a Slotted Loc class to reduce memory usage further. Remove overly broad exception catching (which would just blow up...
Don't have a traceback ;c