Jürgen Hermann
Jürgen Hermann
- Scan a list of repos for metadata files (pom.xml, package.json, requirements.txt,…) - Update those dependencies, or propose such updates via automated PRs
- Scan projects you're a member of for milestones (or a provided list of repos) - List the milestones, sorted by project + date - Mark release dates green, yellow...
- Get commit messages since last update (see "bump date" below) - Filter out what's not relevant (":pencil2:" etc.) - Store it in the next milestone, and bump date -...
The main part of this is simple `git` automation, but using the repo list from the API makes this especially easy to apply over many projects.
Your README should tell us what you do better than Cookiecutter,
* Open a "deprecated" extra * Move qgrid there * Add [dtale](https://github.com/man-group/dtale)
Check if Travis or GH actions support all 4 (old-)stable platforms via DIND or something, and add some job configuration.
- Look for a contained cookiecutter.json or [project.d/]cookiecutter.rc - And/or load values by introspecting the project itself, e.g. `python setup.py --url`