Jürgen Hermann
Jürgen Hermann
According to http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/rest.html#sections the document title should probably use '*', or else the section hierarchy start with '-' and not '='.
Please provide platform information (lsb_release -a) and/or "apt-cache policy dput".
Debian packages are bound to a release, thus you missed you have to build this for every distro and release specifically. Using docker, this is reasonably easy to do with...
### Just a Test Testing comments…
Sort of, yes. But bundling an interpreter with a PEX is optional anyway – which is a good thing, since you can make a PEX multi-platform (all extensions for all...
An identical use-case is tox and `deps`, so an implementation should have a set of patterns for sections+keys like `[options.extras_require]*`, `[testenv*]deps`, and so on. The filename should be passed like...
[PEP 440 -- Version Identification and Dependency Specification | Python.org](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/) is the relevant spec, BTW.
How about getting the text children out of the DOM when a link has no title attribute? Anyway, :+1: for the tip with selecting the text 1st.
It's not a problem for deployment use with a dedicated user, but for personal use it's a KO criterion. Especially since that also likely means you cannot use specific bang-paths...
Also, the README should explain why this is ‘better’ than RVM gem sets, or rbenv.