fzy copied to clipboard
Visual defects in neovim
I tried the example from the README.md with neovim and found visual flaws. Lines are displayed indented as a ladder. If you enter a few characters, then nothing on the screen can be understood.
Happens to me too. Screenshot:
On the right there's the input for fzy.
On the top left, you can see the Vim integration in .vimrc
On the bottom left, there's the ladder (the bug).
NVIM v0.2.2
fzy 0.9 (c) 2014 John Hawthorn
(installed from the fzy_0.9-1_amd64.deb
release here on GitHub)
Same! What program do you use with fzy? ripgrep/find/silversearcher? I thought it was some issue with ripgrep + fzy.
There is no issue in neovim 0.2.0
but starting from 0.2.1
up to nightly (0.2.3-dev
this issue occurs.
To reproduce just :exec system('ls | fzy')
Related? https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/FAQ#-and-system-do-weird-things-with-interactive-processes
@PowerInside thank you for attention!
It seems that so. I consider that it is necessary to add the correct instruction in README.md for neovim. Do you have a working example of integration with neovim?
I have tried something with termopen()
instead of system()
, but I don't know enough VimScript to figure it out (right now) and it errors out.
let s:Fzy = {}
function s:Fzy.new(bufid)
let this = copy(self)
let this._chunks = ['']
let this._bufid = a:bufid
return this
function s:Fzy.on_exit(job_id, code)
if !empty(string(fzy._chunks))
exec ':e ' . string(fzy._chunks)
call feedkeys('\<c-\\><c-n>:bd! ' . self._bufid . '<cr>', 'n')
function s:Fzy.on_stdout(job_id, data) "dict
let self._chunks[-1] .= a:data[0]
call extend(self._chunks, a:data[1:])
function FzyCommand()
let bufid = bufnr('%')
let fzy = s:Fzy.new(bufid)
let cmd = "rg . -l -g '' | fzy"
sp | enew | call termopen(cmd, fzy) | startinsert
nnoremap <leader>e :call FzyCommand()<cr>
Maybe somebody knows more than me and can make this work :)
This problem seems to have been solved in the fzf for a long time. But I can not quickly understand ~800 lines of vimscript :)
Picker by Scott Stevenson might be a good place to look for this. I have copied what I think might be the relevant bit below:
function! s:PickerTermopen(list_command, vim_command, callback) abort
" Open a terminal emulator buffer in a new window, execute
" list_command piping its output to the fuzzy selector, and call
" callback.on_select with the item selected by the user as the first
" argument.
" Parameters
" ----------
" list_command : String
" Shell command to generate list user will choose from.
" vim_command : String
" Readable representation of the Vim command which will be
" invoked against the user's selection, for display in the
" statusline.
" callback.on_select : String -> Void
" Function executed with the item selected by the user as the
" first argument.
let l:callback = {
\ 'window_id': win_getid(),
\ 'filename': tempname(),
\ 'callback': a:callback
\ }
function! l:callback.on_exit(job_id, data, event) abort
call win_gotoid(self.window_id)
if filereadable(self.filename)
call self.callback.on_select(readfile(self.filename)[0])
catch /E684/
call delete(self.filename)
execute g:picker_split g:picker_height . 'new'
let l:term_command = a:list_command . '|' . g:picker_selector . '>' .
\ l:callback.filename
let s:picker_job_id = termopen(l:term_command, l:callback)
let b:picker_statusline = 'Picker [command: ' . a:vim_command .
\ ', directory: ' . getcwd() . ']'
setlocal nonumber norelativenumber statusline=%{b:picker_statusline}
setfiletype picker
@casr I hacked on it a bit and this works!
function! FzyCommand(list_command) abort
let l:callback = {
\ 'window_id': win_getid(),
\ 'filename': tempname()
\ }
let l:fzy_command = 'fzy'
function! l:callback.on_exit(job_id, data, event) abort
call win_gotoid(self.window_id)
if filereadable(self.filename)
let l:selected_filename = readfile(self.filename)[0]
exec ':e ' . l:selected_filename
catch /E684/
call delete(self.filename)
execute 'botright 10 new'
let l:term_command = a:list_command . '|' . l:fzy_command . '>' .
\ l:callback.filename
let l:term_job_id = termopen(l:term_command, l:callback)
setlocal nonumber norelativenumber
nnoremap <leader>e :call FzyCommand("rg . -l -g ''")<cr>
Adapted FzyCommand
's signature be closer to the one in the README + hid the statusbar & co so it's visually closer to what we had (still one blank line).
function! FzyCommand(choice_command, vim_command) abort
let l:callback = {
\ 'window_id': win_getid(),
\ 'filename': tempname(),
\ 'vim_command': a:vim_command
\ }
function! l:callback.on_exit(job_id, data, event) abort
call win_gotoid(self.window_id)
if filereadable(self.filename)
let l:selected_filename = readfile(self.filename)[0]
exec self.vim_command . l:selected_filename
catch /E684/
call delete(self.filename)
botright 10 new
let l:term_command = a:choice_command . ' | fzy > ' . l:callback.filename
silent call termopen(l:term_command, l:callback)
setlocal nonumber norelativenumber
nnoremap <silent> <c-o> :call FzyCommand('rg --files .', ':e ')<cr>
Is the above a drop in replacement for the README version?
Should be added to the readme imo.
@ruifm Open a PR with the changes to the README and your wish might come true :)
Is it possible to use fzy+ripgrep to search inside files?
Is it possible to use fzy+ripgrep to search inside files?
I use it fine using:
nnoremap <silent><leader>t :call FzyCommand("rg --files --hidden -g '!.git/*' .", ":tabedit")<cr>
One hack would be to rely on --color=always
rg --column --no-heading --color=always --smart-case -- ""
let l:real_filename = matchstr(l:selected_filename, '\f\+\ze\e', 9)
exec self.vim_command . l:real_filename
The issue that I have is fzy does not highlight selection when colors are forced, so impossible to know which one is selected.