fzy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fzy copied to clipboard

Visual defects in neovim

Open dtcyganok opened this issue 7 years ago • 17 comments

I tried the example from the README.md with neovim and found visual flaws. Lines are displayed indented as a ladder. If you enter a few characters, then nothing on the screen can be understood.

dtcyganok avatar Dec 06 '17 17:12 dtcyganok

Happens to me too. Screenshot:


On the right there's the input for fzy. On the top left, you can see the Vim integration in .vimrc On the bottom left, there's the ladder (the bug).

Versions: NVIM v0.2.2 fzy 0.9 (c) 2014 John Hawthorn (installed from the fzy_0.9-1_amd64.deb release here on GitHub)

Janiczek avatar Dec 08 '17 07:12 Janiczek

Same! What program do you use with fzy? ripgrep/find/silversearcher? I thought it was some issue with ripgrep + fzy.

mo3rfan avatar Dec 13 '17 07:12 mo3rfan

There is no issue in neovim 0.2.0 but starting from 0.2.1 up to nightly (0.2.3-dev), this issue occurs.

To reproduce just :exec system('ls | fzy')

kimat avatar Dec 21 '17 10:12 kimat

Related? https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/FAQ#-and-system-do-weird-things-with-interactive-processes

mo3rfan avatar Dec 21 '17 12:12 mo3rfan

@PowerInside thank you for attention!

It seems that so. I consider that it is necessary to add the correct instruction in README.md for neovim. Do you have a working example of integration with neovim?

dtcyganok avatar Dec 21 '17 14:12 dtcyganok

I have tried something with termopen() instead of system(), but I don't know enough VimScript to figure it out (right now) and it errors out.

let s:Fzy = {}

function s:Fzy.new(bufid)
  let this = copy(self)
  let this._chunks = ['']
  let this._bufid = a:bufid
  return this

function s:Fzy.on_exit(job_id, code)
  if !empty(string(fzy._chunks))
    exec ':e ' . string(fzy._chunks)
  call feedkeys('\<c-\\><c-n>:bd! ' . self._bufid . '<cr>', 'n')

function s:Fzy.on_stdout(job_id, data) "dict
  let self._chunks[-1] .= a:data[0]
  call extend(self._chunks, a:data[1:])

function FzyCommand()
  let bufid = bufnr('%')
  let fzy = s:Fzy.new(bufid)
  let cmd = "rg . -l -g '' | fzy"
  sp | enew | call termopen(cmd, fzy) | startinsert

nnoremap <leader>e :call FzyCommand()<cr>

Maybe somebody knows more than me and can make this work :)

Janiczek avatar Dec 21 '17 14:12 Janiczek

This problem seems to have been solved in the fzf for a long time. But I can not quickly understand ~800 lines of vimscript :)

dtcyganok avatar Dec 21 '17 14:12 dtcyganok

Picker by Scott Stevenson might be a good place to look for this. I have copied what I think might be the relevant bit below:

function! s:PickerTermopen(list_command, vim_command, callback) abort
    " Open a terminal emulator buffer in a new window, execute
    " list_command piping its output to the fuzzy selector, and call
    " callback.on_select with the item selected by the user as the first
    " argument.
    " Parameters
    " ----------
    " list_command : String
    "     Shell command to generate list user will choose from.
    " vim_command : String
    "     Readable representation of the Vim command which will be
    "     invoked against the user's selection, for display in the
    "     statusline.
    " callback.on_select : String -> Void
    "     Function executed with the item selected by the user as the
    "     first argument.
    let l:callback = {
                \ 'window_id': win_getid(),
                \ 'filename': tempname(),
                \ 'callback': a:callback
                \ }

    function! l:callback.on_exit(job_id, data, event) abort
        call win_gotoid(self.window_id)
        if filereadable(self.filename)
                call self.callback.on_select(readfile(self.filename)[0])
            catch /E684/
            call delete(self.filename)

    execute g:picker_split g:picker_height . 'new'
    let l:term_command = a:list_command . '|' . g:picker_selector . '>' .
                \ l:callback.filename
    let s:picker_job_id = termopen(l:term_command, l:callback)
    let b:picker_statusline = 'Picker [command: ' . a:vim_command .
                \ ', directory: ' . getcwd() . ']'
    setlocal nonumber norelativenumber statusline=%{b:picker_statusline}
    setfiletype picker

casr avatar Dec 22 '17 09:12 casr

@casr I hacked on it a bit and this works!

function! FzyCommand(list_command) abort
    let l:callback = {
                \ 'window_id': win_getid(),
                \ 'filename': tempname()
                \ }
    let l:fzy_command = 'fzy'

    function! l:callback.on_exit(job_id, data, event) abort
        call win_gotoid(self.window_id)
        if filereadable(self.filename)
                let l:selected_filename = readfile(self.filename)[0]
                exec ':e ' . l:selected_filename
            catch /E684/
            call delete(self.filename)

    execute 'botright 10 new'
    let l:term_command = a:list_command . '|' . l:fzy_command . '>' .
                \ l:callback.filename
    let l:term_job_id = termopen(l:term_command, l:callback)
    setlocal nonumber norelativenumber

nnoremap <leader>e :call FzyCommand("rg . -l -g ''")<cr>

Janiczek avatar Dec 22 '17 09:12 Janiczek

Adapted FzyCommand's signature be closer to the one in the README + hid the statusbar & co so it's visually closer to what we had (still one blank line).

function! FzyCommand(choice_command, vim_command) abort
    let l:callback = {
                \ 'window_id': win_getid(),
                \ 'filename': tempname(),
                \  'vim_command':  a:vim_command
                \ }

    function! l:callback.on_exit(job_id, data, event) abort
        call win_gotoid(self.window_id)
        if filereadable(self.filename)
                let l:selected_filename = readfile(self.filename)[0]
                exec self.vim_command . l:selected_filename
            catch /E684/
        call delete(self.filename)

    botright 10 new
    let l:term_command = a:choice_command . ' | fzy > ' .  l:callback.filename
    silent call termopen(l:term_command, l:callback)
    setlocal nonumber norelativenumber

nnoremap <silent> <c-o> :call FzyCommand('rg --files .', ':e ')<cr>

kimat avatar Dec 22 '17 16:12 kimat

Is the above a drop in replacement for the README version?

HaleTom avatar Jul 02 '18 16:07 HaleTom


Janiczek avatar Jul 02 '18 21:07 Janiczek

Should be added to the readme imo.

ruifm avatar Jun 16 '19 03:06 ruifm

@ruifm Open a PR with the changes to the README and your wish might come true :)

casr avatar Jun 16 '19 09:06 casr

Is it possible to use fzy+ripgrep to search inside files?

concatime avatar Jul 05 '19 22:07 concatime

Is it possible to use fzy+ripgrep to search inside files?

I use it fine using:

nnoremap <silent><leader>t :call FzyCommand("rg --files --hidden -g '!.git/*' .", ":tabedit")<cr>

ruifm avatar Jul 05 '19 22:07 ruifm

One hack would be to rely on --color=always.

rg --column --no-heading --color=always --smart-case -- ""
let l:real_filename = matchstr(l:selected_filename, '\f\+\ze\e', 9)
exec self.vim_command . l:real_filename

The issue that I have is fzy does not highlight selection when colors are forced, so impossible to know which one is selected.

screenshot screenshot0

concatime avatar Jul 06 '19 15:07 concatime