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Diaspora modified for easy deployment on OpenShift

diaspora* for OpenShift

This is currently broken until OpenShift adds support for Rails 4.2!

See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1184179

This repository contains modifications to diaspora* for easy deployment.


  • Create an account on OpenShift

  • Install the CLI tool, gem install rhc, don't forget to run rhc setup.

  • If you have none yet generate a SSH keypar: ssh-keygen.

  • Create the application:

    rhc app create diaspora ruby-2.0 postgresql-9.2 'http://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/reflect?github=smarterclayton/openshift-redis-cart'
  • If it asks you to upload your SSH key, answer yes.

  • Run the following commands:

    cd diaspora
    git remote add upstream git://github.com/jhass/diaspora-openshift.git
    git fetch upstream
    git reset --hard upstream/master
    git push -f origin master
  • Grab a coffee.


Configuration is done via environment variables. To change something from the default set them via rhc env set, see rhc help env. To see what's available, read config/diaspora.yml.example.

Adding yourself as an admin

After you created an account on your new diaspora* pod, you can make yourself an admin with: rhc ssh diaspora -- '/bin/bash -c "cd $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR; source .openshift/diaspora_configuration; bundle exec rails runner \"Role.add_admin(User.where(username: \\\"your_username\\\").first.person)\""'.


Note: Unfortunately due to changes in diaspora* 0.5, it got incompatible with the MySQL installed on OpenShift, upgrading diaspora* 0.4 installed from this repository to diaspora* 0.5 is not possible! Instead make a backup of your MySQL database, delete your app and create a new one with the same name as described above, then import the backup of your MySQL database into PostgreSQL.

  • Go into your local clone.
  • Run git pull upstream master.
  • Run git push origin master.
  • It's time for another coffee.