AndroidScannerDemo copied to clipboard
Camera Code Does not Work
The Document Selection Works Fine however When i Open my Camera and Take a Picture it Sends me back to pick_image_fragment.xml
File without the Image i just took.
@HenryTH45 You can solve this by using the below steps.
Create your own FileProvider and extends FileProvider
public class MyFileProvider extends FileProvider{ }
Add this provider to your Manifest file inside application tag
<providerandroid:name=".MyFileProvider" android:authorities="${applicationId}.yourPackagehere.provider" android:exported="false" android:grantUriPermissions="true">
<meta-dataandroid:name="" android:resource="@xml/yourFileName_provider_paths"/> </provider>
Then Create a XML folder in res and create a file yourFileName_provider_paths.xml and then copy-paste the below code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<paths xmlns:android=""> <external-files-path name="external_files_files" // you can give your app name here path="." /> </paths>
@HenryTH45 remove your app manifest file provider , then it will work, scan library manifest have its own file provider, mine is working
@ashwinjawale24 do u mean to delete the base app's AndroidManifest.xml file? If did so the app runs into errors. Could u specify exactly what to do or send your repo link?
@dhairyashah1 No not the manifest file but, if you have file provider in your manifest remove it. because scanLibrary Module manifest has its own file provider. camera will work then