
Results 28 comments of Joe

Not ESPHome relatted, but also cool to see this progress in Home Assistant: Will be great to be able to add very simple yaml config to add matter support...

The source of this issue: ``` private void updateTabViewLayoutParams(@NonNull LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp) { if (mode == MODE_FIXED && tabGravity == GRAVITY_FILL) { lp.width = 0; lp.weight = 1; } else {...

I'm starting to believe this may have been caused by a botched mysql migration, but I do not have evidence yet to back that up. I was also noticing that...

Here is a full diff of the schema that I used to alter my incorrect schema. Most of the `float` -> `double` columns were the `_ts` named columns, so I...

It sounds like the most problematic columns to fix are the float timestamps, and possibly the datetime columns: ``` ALTER TABLE events MODIFY COLUMN time_fired_ts double DEFAULT NULL, MODIFY COLUMN...

PTZ controls aside (whether manual or automated due to detection), is there any reason to think that Frigate would (or would not) be able to "handle" a camera stream that...

Disclaimer: it's been over ~10+ years since my html/js/css days. In fact, shadow roots and custom dom elements did not exist when I last touched web. Through some experimentation, I...

I confirmed that adding this as a local javascript resource appears to resolve the empty column. However, this is a very exact DOM path that it has to traverse, so...