welcomebot copied to clipboard
bot keeps saying "Sorry, only the person who invited me can do that."
I have installed python 3.4 with pickledb and python-telegram-bot 5.1.1 but bot doesn't seems to respond my commands. he just keeps saying "Sorry, only the person who invited me can do that."
can you please advise what is causing it?
Bug is present. After the long period of offline, the bot does not listen to the Administrator. Reinvite does not help.
Same issue here, bot say: "Sorry, only the person who invited me can do that.
Inviting isn't working anymore. Work around that I use : The first person that runs /setadmin will be added to the db and can lock/unlock/... Just add a new handler and function
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("setadmin", set_admin))
def set_admin(update, context):
chat_id = update.message.chat.id
admin_id = update.message.from_user.id
admin_key = str(chat_id) + "_adm"
if not db.exists(admin_key):
db.set(str(chat_id) + "_adm", admin_id)
send_async(context, chat_id=chat_id, text="Admin set!")
send_async(context, chat_id=chat_id, text="Admin already set!")
Thx Jannes Höke for this bot, learned a lot from it !