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Spatial feature processing of satellite imagery
SpFeas is a Python library for processing spatial (contextual) image features from satellite imagery.
SpFeas has been tested on Python 2.7
and 3.x
. It is dependent on MpGlue,
which is used for image I/O and land cover classification.
Current version
Refer to the Wiki for changes.
All comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome. Please post to the issues page.
Use either Option A (Recommended) or Option B below to install Spfeas.
Option A: Installing or upgrading from source
- Install or upgrade
. - If you have not cloned the SpFeas repository, clone using the commands below.
git clone https://github.com/jgrss/spfeas.git
- If you previously cloned the SpFeas repository, update it with the commands below.
cd <location where you saved SpFeas>/spfeas/
git pull origin master
- Install the cloned repository
- *
cd <location where you saved SpFeas>/spfeas/
, if necessary
python setup.py build && python setup.py install
SpFeas should now be installed in the Python /site-packages
Option B: Installing with the bash or CMD installers
The installers are intended to streamline the installation process, particularly if you are installing SpFeas for the first time. Please report bugs here.
Open INSTALLATION.ipynb under /notebooks.
Follow the instructions to install SpFeas for your operating system.
Checking the installation
On OSX or Linux, the following line should print something like /usr/local/bin/spfeas:
which spfeas
On Windows, the following line should print Python path\Scripts\spfeas:
where spfeas
Testing the installation
In a Python interpreter:
>>> import spfeas
>>> spfeas.test_features()
In a terminal or CMD window:
python -c "import spfeas;spfeas.test_features()"
or with Python 3.x
python3 -c "import spfeas;spfeas.test_features()"
You should see SpFeas tests were OK.
if SpFeas ran as expected.
Navigate to the cloned SpFeas git repository and pull the latest version.
cd spfeas/
git pull origin master
python setup.py build && python setup.py install
To uninstall SpFeas, type the following line in the terminal:
pip uninstall spfeas
Usage examples
Python usage:
>>> import spfeas
>>> # Extract the local mean at scales 16x16 and 32x32, and
>>> # save the results to 8x8 pixel blocks.
>>> spfeas.spatial_features('/input_image.tif',
>>> '/output_dir',
>>> block=8,
>>> scales=[16, 32],
>>> triggers=['mean'])
Command-line usage:
Print help:
spfeas -h
Print examples:
spfeas -e
Traditional single pixel moving window
The block size must equal 1 and the scales must be odd and > the block size.
spfeas -i /input_image.tif -o /output_directory -tr mean hog --block 1 --scales 5 7 --sect-size 1000 --n-jobs -1 --overviews
Pixel block moving window
The block size must be even and the scales must be even and >= the block size.
spfeas -i /input_image.tif -o /output_directory -tr mean hog --block 4 --scales 4 8 --sect-size 1000 --n-jobs -1 --overviews
Detailed examples
Please refer to /notebooks/examples.ipynb.
SpFeas parameters
= The input image to extract spatial features from -
= The output directory to store spatial features -
= The input bands to process -
= A boolean flag to trigger the use of image RGB average in place of individual bands -
= The band order of the visible spectrum (only applies to the saliency trigger) -
= The input image satellite sensor to determine band order (only applies to spectral indices) -
= The output raster format -
= The block size at which to store output features (output resolution = block size x image resolution) -
= The window scales at which to calculate local features -
= The feature "triggers" to calculate from the image -
= A boolean flag -- if True,the PanTex trigger is weighted by the image values -
= The SFS trigger stopping threshold -
= The SFS trigger angle skip factor -
= The SFS trigger post-processing cell resample size -
= The Lacunariy trigger box size -
= A pre-processing window smooth size (in pixels) -
= A user-defined input image minimum that overrides the image minimum -
= A user-defined input image maximum that overrides the image maximum -
= A boolean flag to apply histogram equalization -
= A boolean flag to apply adaptive histogram equalization -
= The number of image sections to process in parallel -
= The section size (in pixels) to divide the image by -
= Prints feature trigger options to screen -
= Prints output raster format options to screen -
= Prints the currentSpFeas
Naming conventions
After running SpFeas, the output files will consist of tiled GeoTiffs
and a YAML
information file. The image
processing is performed on a tile by tile basis. Therefore, the input image will be divided into multiple, smaller
tiles. The YAML
file is used to monitor the tiling process, and in the event of processing failure, allows a
user to continue processing from the last finished tile.
See below for the naming convention of these files.
YAML status
Tiled files
BD = input band position
BK = input block size
SC = input scales
TR = input triggers
ST = statistics
TL = tile position
Spatial features
Below is a list of references that SpFeas draws from.
Graesser, Jordan, Cheriyadat, Anil, Vatsavai, Ranga Raju, Chandola, Varun, Long, Jordan, and Bright, Eddie (2012) Image based characterization of formal and informal neighborhoods in an urban landscape. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5(4), 1164--1176.
Differential Morphological Profiles (dmp)
Pesaresi, Martino and Benediktsson, Jon Atli (2001) A New Approach for the Morphological Segmentation of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 39(2).
Pesaresi, Martino et al. (2013) A Global Human Settlement Layer From Optical HR/VHR RS Data: Concept and First Results. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 6(5).
Two-band Enhanced Vegetation Index (evi2)
Jiang, Zhangyan, Huete, Alfredo R, Didan, Kamel, and Miura, Tomoaki (2008) Development of a two-band enhanced vegetation index without a blue band. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 3833--3845.
Fourier Transform (fourier)
Measure of local energy (power spectrum)
Gabor filter (gabor)
x n filters
Image convolution with a series of 2d Gabor filters
Edge gradient magnitude (grad)
Edge gradient magnitude
Histogram of Oriented Gradients (hog)
Dalal, N and Triggs, B (2005) Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005, San Diego, CA, USA.
Lacunarity (lac)
Myint, Soe W, Mesev, Victor, and Lam, Nina (2006) Urban Textural Analysis from Remote Sensor Data: Lacunarity Measurements Based on the Differential Box Counting Method. Geographical Analysis, ISSN 0016-7363.
Local Binary Patterns (lbpm)
Ojala, Timo, Pietikainen, Matti, and Maenpaa, Topi (2002) Multiresolution gray-scale and rotation invariant texture classification with local binary patterns. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 24(7), 971--987.
Line Support Regions (lsr)
line length
line mean
line contrast
Ünsalan, Cem and Boyer, KL (2004) Classifying Land Development in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Hybrid Structural–Multispectral Features. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42(12).
Ünsalan, Cem (2006) Gradient-Magnitude-Based Support Regions in Structural Land Use Classification. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 3(4).
Inverse distance weighted mean and variance (mean)
Pixels near the center of the local scale/window are given inversely higher weights to the farthest pixel in the window.
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (ndvi)
Tucker, CJ (1979) Red and photographic red linear combinations for monitoring vegetation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 8, 127--150.
Built-up presence index (pantex)
min contrast
Pesaresi, Martino, Gerhardinger, Andrea, and Kayitakire, François (2008) A Robust Built-Up Area Presence Index by Anisotropic Rotation-Invariant Textural Measure. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 1(3).
Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (orb)
Rublee, Ethan, Rabaud, Vincent, Konolige, Kurt, and Bradski, Gary R (2011) ORB: An efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF. ICCV 2011, 2564-2571.
Image saliency (saliency)
Perazzi, Federico, Krahenb, Philipp, Pritch, Yael, and Hornung, Alexander (2012) Contrast Based Filtering for Salient Region Detection. IEEE CVPR, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 16-21.
Cheng, Ming-Ming, Mitra, Niloy J, Huang, Xiaolei, Torr, Philip HS, and Hu, Shi-Min (2015) Global Contrast based Salient Region detection. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 37(3), 569--582.
Structural Feature Sets (sfs)
max line length
min line length
standard deviation
max ratio of orthogonal angles
Huang, Xin, Zhang, Liangpei, and Li, Pingxiang (2007) Classification and Extraction of Spatial Features in Urban Areas Using High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 4(2).
'To Read' list
Hoberg, Thorsten, Rottensteiner, Franz, Feitosa, Raul Queiroz, and Heipke, Christian (2015) Conditional Random Fields for multitemporal and multiscale classification of optical satellite imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(2).
Kenduiywo, Benson Kipkemboi, Bargiel, Damian, and Soergel, Uwe (2017) Higher order Dynamic Conditional Random Fields ensemble for crop type classification in radar images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55(8).
Volpi, Michele and Ferrari, Vittorio (2015) Semantic segmentation of urban scenes by learning local class interactions. Computer Vision Foundation.
Benedeka, Csaba, Shadaydeha, Maha, Katob, Zoltan, Sziranyi, Tamas, and Zerubia, Josiane (2015) Multilayer Markov Random Field models for change detection in optical remote sensing images. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Wehmann, Adam and Liu, Desheng (2015) A spatial–temporal contextual Markovian kernel method for multi-temporal land cover mapping. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 107, 77--89.
For questions or bugs, please submit an issue.