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Adding Messages features

Open Wilkins opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

What this PR does : Adding a global message history page into the user menu Adding message history into the trade deals, to remind user of exchanges with traders (Fixing #30 )

You can try it here : http://elephpant-messages.wilkins.fr/

With log in [email protected] / secret

Wilkins avatar Apr 10 '21 21:04 Wilkins

personally, I liked the changes. I'm not sure only about the UI for the message history. it's not clean to me that if it was a received message or sent message. once we can't "continue" conversations on the website (it's just the one time message) we should keep it simpler. when showing the history on the trade page, it's a bit confusing. maybe something simpler:

21 Mar 21 - To John Doe: Hey man let's trade?
26 Mar 22 - From John Doe: Hey how are you keeping?

what do you think?

jgrossi avatar Apr 20 '21 21:04 jgrossi

Hi, I see what you mean. I changed the layout, you can still check it at http://elephpant-messages.wilkins.fr/ Let me know what you think :-)

Wilkins avatar Apr 22 '21 21:04 Wilkins