Jan Gromeš

Results 78 comments of Jan Gromeš

Closed due to inactivity.

Hi Scott! There should be no changes needed, the bit rate is just passed to the transceiver module. Couple of thoughts: 1. Changing just the bit rate won't change the...

> I did question whether the team had provided adequate audio output bandwidth for 9k6 when creating the sample file and was assured that they did. I suspect we would...

Seeing as the launch unfortunately failed, I'm closing this now. @K4KDR please let the team know to reopen in case they wish to follow-up. Thanks!

I was able to confirm this behavior, using Arduino Uno and 2 SX1278 transceivers. Rolling back to 4.3.0, everything started working correctly again, so the issue was introduced somewhere between...

@skywodd I'm guessing one could try asking around on Semtech dev forums, if this is a known limitation or some misunderstanding of the AFC functionality on our part. I will...

@parlotto that's an interesting observation - looks like the last bit of the packet got flipped, from 1 to 0 - or perhaps the packet was terminated prematurely? Is this...

@parlotto what a rabbit hole you sent me down :) I can confirm your code does indeed behave like this. Your point about the CRC got me interested - turns...

@parlotto unfortunately it seems like there is some issue with the last byte that is sent. In URH, I can see for low data rates that the last bit (if...

@parlotto thanks for checking it out - then it seems like my original assesment was wrong and the AFC/AGC has nothing to do with the issue, or it only contributes...