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multipart/form-data POST is possible with HTTPBuilder?
I need to do multipart/form-data POSTs instead of URLENC but can't find any docs about it. Is it possible? Thanks.
In the wiki there are some basic HTTP POST examples:
Yeah, but there's no good guidance on how to post to APIs that don't accept URL Encoded data. There's an old SO post about it at
Did any of you guys solve this? I've been struggling with the same thing
So, the best answer I've found has been to simply move to the better maintained http-builder-ng library. See It has good MultiPart support out of the box.
Thank you very much @jonnybot0! Worked like a charm!
@gregorydickson all examples are for URLENC not multipart.
So, I stumbled across this, saw my old comment, and realized that this is perfectly doable using ye olde HTTPBuilder.
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody
def file = new File('myFile.png')
def httpBuilder = new HttpBuilder('')
httpBuilder.request(Method.POST, ContentType.ANY) {
request.entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create()
.addPart('file', new FileBody(file))
Not sure it will work in every single case, but it will in many.