watch-less copied to clipboard
A command line tool to watch a directory tree for changes to .less files and output compiled .css files.
I have a `index.less` file: ``` @import "variables.less" @import "base.less" ``` a `variables.less` file: ``` @main_color: #555; @main_backcolor: #fff; ``` a `base.less` file: ``` body{ background-color: @main_backcolor; color: @main_color; }...
May be my understanding issue but compression option doesn't seem to some function. Will it minify the output. It will be really great if minification also done with less compilation.
i m using following command to change the extension but its not working : " watch-less -e .css "
I'm trying to use but it appears like watch-less is ignoring the --autoprefix parameter.
This would be an awesome script if it could track/compile root files only, i.e. ones that import other files. Seems that a variables.less file breaks this script when trying to...