VectorBasemapStyleEditor copied to clipboard
Select one Item ,but get error info
Hi, John Need help from you !
My step to use your source code to change vectorbasemapStyle.
- Depoly the source code on my local portal
- Change the config.js
- Success Load
- Log in
- Get Three item ( type: Vector Tile Service)
- But when I select one item , map doesn't load the layer and console show info like blew:
Error: Resource does not exist or is inaccessible. at Object.f.load (init.js:998) at init.js:87 at c (init.js:103) at d (init.js:103) at b.Deferred.resolve.callback (init.js:105) at c (init.js:104) at d (init.js:103) at b.Deferred.resolve.callback (init.js:105) at init.js:92 at k (init.js:107)
Any advice ? Thanks first!
When click Item [detail],
It redirct to https://undefined.portal/home/item.html?id=88e330cfe9ea468a88b079b31c67e4be
Something was wrong at blew position:
var detailsNode = put(titleNode, "span.basemap-item-action", "details"); on(detailsNode, "click", function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); var detailsUrlTemplate = (item.owner === this.portalUser.username) ? "{0}//{1}.{2}/home/item.html?id={4}" : "{0}//{3}/home/item.html?id={4}"; var agsDetailsUrl = lang.replace(detailsUrlTemplate, [document.location.protocol, this.portalUser.portal.urlKey, this.portalUser.portal.customBaseUrl, this.portalUser.portal.portalHostname,]);; }.bind(this));
Hope you can check and fix it !
I can't replicate this issue, but it looks like the code is having problems building an appropriate url to the item. What did you change in the config.js? Please note that this app doesn't support local Portals, only
If this app doesn't support local portals, make me clear. what's I have done is
- depoly your app
- register the app url to my local portal ,then register it and get a applicationID
3.change the config.js!
oauthappid \ sharinghost - Log in
Look forward that your app can support local portals Thanks in advance!