svg2xml icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
svg2xml copied to clipboard

SVG to XML mxGraph stencil definition translation tool

Results 7 svg2xml issues
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add support for styles declared via stx like for AWS svgs (style classes) transformation nesting add support for manual setting of bounds (a rect with a custom ID) handle multiple...

Destination folder:C:\Users\Administrator\Documents parsing demoSvg using 0 configs java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "30.493C141.45" at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString( at java.lang.Double.valueOf( at com.mxgraph.svg2xml.Shape2Xml.getPathParam( at com.mxgraph.svg2xml.Shape2Xml.matrixTransformPathPartMove( at com.mxgraph.svg2xml.Shape2Xml.parseMatrixTransformPathPart( at com.mxgraph.svg2xml.Shape2Xml.matrixTransformPath( at com.mxgraph.svg2xml.Shape2Xml.parse( at com.mxgraph.svg2xml.Svg2Xml.( at com.mxgraph.svg2xml.Svg2XmlGui.actionPerformed(

With this command `java -classpath lib/mxgraph-core.jar:classes com.mxgraph.svg2xml.Svg2XmlGui` got issue: `Error: Could not find or load main class com.mxgraph.svg2xml.Svg2XmlGui` . Then, I try to use command `java -cp ./classes;. com.mxgraph.svg2xml.Svg2XmlGui`