drawio-desktop copied to clipboard
pasting from the clipboard makes the cursor jump to beginning of the text field
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Describe the bug pasting from the clipboard makes the cursor jump to beginning of the text in the same field, or to the beginning of another paragraph in the text
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Create a text field
- enter some text
- copy some text from somewhere else. It doesn't matter if plain text or formatted text.
- paste the text.
Expected behavior The cursor should be at the end of the pasted text
Screenshots n/a
draw.io version (In the Help->About menu of the draw.io editor):
- draw.io version v21.6.8
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: MacOS 13.4.1
Additional context this might be connected or not: sometimes when undoing the paste (for example when I forgot to paste without formatting (Shift-option-cmd-V), the entire field disappears, with no way to get it back. Its contents are then lost.
Also similar to https://github.com/jgraph/drawio-desktop/issues/898
This is a very common occurrence for me as well, and very annoying.
Other things that happen:
- Sometimes pasting text inserts the text with a new line after, and the text has the default styling and not the copied styling;
- Sometimes pasting inserts the text on a new line with some hidden object between the previous line and the inserted text that cannot be removed, and then pressing CTRL+Z will remove the text, but insert it somewhere else or let things disappear entirely
In the second example, I think the text is pasted as-is, while the surrounding text is wrapped in divs, so pressing backspace before the just pasted text doesn't merge it with the div on the previous line or something.
I think this is an Electron issue as we cannot reproduce online.