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Hpodder takes forever to fetch feeds.
archlinux recently updated some haskell packages and now it takes forever to update my 27 feeds :(
I'm building hpodder from git.
I'm probably going to need more information about that -- in particular, try going back to the old versions of the packages, update them one at a time until you find the one that causes the slowdown.
If a feed contains lots of episodes, it sure takes a long time to load. I tried to read the source but since I'm unfamiliar with Haskell, I couldn't determine what approach is used to parse the feed XML: i.e. whether the entire document must be loaded, DOM-style, or elements are processed one by one, SAX-style. If I'm only interested in the latest 20 episodes, hpodder could stop reading the feed XML when those episodes have been loaded.
Can you give an example of a feed that triggers this?
Sure can: http://api.sr.se/api/rssfeed/rssfeed.aspx?poddfeed=4901
853 episodes vs. Pentium 4: Chug chug chug... :-)