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Issues with device
Hey there! First of all, thank you so much for making this repo it is genuinely amazing documentation wise.
I have however run into various different problems potentially due to the breakout I am using which is the red sparkfun 915MHz breakout. This is with a raspberry Pi 3B+ by the way.
Basically when I follow the tutorial connecting the pins to the physical pins as follows: Miso - 21 Mosi - 19 SCK - 23 NSS - 24 RST - 22 GND - 20 Vin - 17 And run the example_rxtx.py file with the only difference being this :
board = {'isHighPower': True, 'interruptPin': 18, 'resetPin': 22, 'spiDevice': 0}
I get this output:
or in case the above doesnt load:
python3 example_rxtx.py
/home/pi/Thesis/rpi-rfm69/RFM69/radio.py:115: RuntimeWarning: This channel is already in use, continuing anyway. Use GPIO.setwarnings(False) to disable warnings.
GPIO.setup(self.rstPin, GPIO.OUT)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/Thesis/rpi-rfm69/example_rxtx.py", line 23, in
Any help would be appreciated and I have looked into each of the separate examples separately to no avail. Could it be an issue with power supply? Or is this a rooted raspberry pi issue.