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A powerful and customizable postprocessing script for paperless-ngx


A powerful and customizable postprocessing script for paperless-ngx.

paperless-ngx-postprocessor allows you to automatically set titles, ASNs, and created dates based on data extracted from the contents of your documents. The recommended use is to run it as a post-consumption script with Paperless-ngx, so that it automatically sets the metadata whenever Paperless-ngx consumes a new document. It also has a management mode, which allows you to run it standalone.


  • Setup rulesets to choose which documents are postprocessed and which are ignored, based on metadata like correspondent, document_type, storage_path, tags, and more
  • For each ruleset, extract metadata using Python regular expressions
  • Use Jinja templates to specify new values for archive serial number, title, and created date, using the values from your regular expression
  • Optionally use Jinja templates to validate document metadata, and add a tag to documents that have invalid metadata (e.g. to catch parsing errors)
  • Optionally apply a tag to documents that are changed during postprocessing, so you can keep track of which documents have changed
  • Optionally make backups of changes, so you can restore document metadata back to the way it was before postprocessing
  • Optionally run on one or more existing documents, if you need to adjust the metadata of documents that have already been consumed by Paperless-ngx
  • Optionally call another script as a post-consumption script after running paperless-ngx-postprocessor, so you don't have to give up your existing post-consumption script

Getting Started

The following instructions assume your Paperless-ngx instance is running using docker-compose. If you're running some other way, the following instructions should give you a general idea of what to do. If you still can't figure it out, file an issue and I'll write up some documentation. (I just didn't want to write documentation nobody was going to use.)

0. Get the code

First, clone this paperless-ngx-postprocessor repository to the same host machine where your Paperless-ngx docker container is running.

git clone

1. Setup paperless-ngx

Next we'll need to edit Paperless-ngx's docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.env files to find paperless-ngx-postprocessor. (You'll find these in whichever directory you used to setup your paperless-ngx docker instance.) In docker-compose.yml, find the list of volumes under the webserver entry, and add the following line (appropriately indented):

- /whichever/directory/you/cloned/paperless-ngx-postprocessor/into:/usr/src/paperless-ngx-postprocessor

e.g. I might have

- /home/jgillula/paperless-ngx-postprocessor:/usr/src/paperless-ngx-postprocessor

Next open docker-compose.env and add the following line:


Now recreate and start paperless-ngx by running

docker-compose up -d

2. Run the one-time setup script inside the Paperless-ngx docker container

Still in the directory of your Paperless-ngx instance, run the following command to setup a Python virtual environment inside the docker container:

docker-compose exec -u paperless webserver /usr/src/paperless-ngx-postprocessor/

Note that if you are running paperless-ngx in a Docker container, you will need to redo this step after any time you upgrade.

3. Create an auth token

Next we'll need create an authentication token in your Paperless-ngx instance. To do this, go to the 'Add token' page in your paperless-ngx admin console, e.g. http://localhost:8000/admin/authtoken/tokenproxy/add/. Choose which user you want paperless-ngx-postprocessor to run as, and then click "SAVE".

4. Create rulesets to postprocess your documents

Last but not least, create rulesets in the paperless-postprocessor-ngx/rulesets.d folder to start postprocessing your documents. See below on how to write rulesets.

How it works

paperless-ngx-postprocessor works by reading rulesets from all the .yml files in the rulesets.d folder, seeing if the contents of the document match any of the rulesets, extracting values from the document's contents using a regular expression, and then writing new values for the metadata based on the document's preexisting metadata and any values extracted using the regular expression.

You can also provide an optional validation rule to catch documents whose metadata doesn't get set properly.

An example

An example helps illustrate this. Say you have the following ruleset:

Some Ruleset Name:
  match: "{{ correspondent == 'The Bank' and document_type == 'Transfer Confirmation' }}"
  metadata_regex: '(?:From (?P<source>.*?)\n)|(?:through (?P<created_month>\w*?) (?P<created_day>\d{1,2}), (?P<created_year>\d{4}))'
    source: '{{ source | title }}' # This applies the Jinja 'title' filter, capitalizing each word
    title: '{{created_year}}-{{created_month}}-{{created_day}} -- {{correspondent}} -- {{document_type}} (from {{ source }})'
  validation_rule: '{{ created_date_object == last_date_object_of_month(created_date_object) }}'

First paperless-ngx-postprocessor will get a local copy of the document's preexisting metadata. For a full list of the preexisting metadata you can use for matching and postprocessing, see below.

Next, paperless-ngx-postprocessor will try to see if the document matches by evaluating the Jinja template given in the match field, filling in values from our local copy of the document's metadata. In this case, the document's correspondent must be The Bank and its document_type must be Transfer Confirmation. If that's true, the Jinja template will evaluate to True, and the document is a match for further postprocessing.

Next, values are extracted from the document using the Python regular expression given in the metadata_regex field, through the use of named groups. In this case there are four named groups that will be extracted (if they're found in the document's contents): source, created_month, created_day, and created_year. All of these values are added to our local copy of the document's metadata, overwriting existing values if they exist. In this case source is a new field that's created; all of the others replace the existing values that were already in our local copy.

Next, the metadata is postprocessed using the individual postprocessing rules listed in the metadata_postprocessing field. Each step specifies which piece of metadata to edit, and the Jinja template tells us how to edit it. paperless-ngx-postprocessor will evaluate the given Jinja template using our local copy of the document's metadata as it exists given all the replacing and editing we've done so far.

For example, the source rule tells us to take the source field and apply the Jinja title filter to it, which just capitalizes each word. We then store the newly capitalized value of source for use in further fields. And lo and behold, in the next field, title, we make use of it! In title we tell paperless-postprocess-ngx to set the title field to something that looks like 2022-09-21 -- The Bank -- Transfer Confirmation (from The Other Bank).

Finally after all the rules are processed, paperless-ngx-postprocessor will take the final values of five special fields:

  • asn
  • title
  • created_year, created_month, and created_day

If any of those differ from the values the document's metadata had when we started, then paperless-ngx-postprocessor will push the new values to paperless-ngx, and processing is complete.

After all of those values have been pushed, paperless-ngx-postprocessor will then try to evaluate the validation_rule field. In this case, the validation rule evaluates to True if the document's created date is the last day of the month.

Some caveats

In order to make parsing dates easier, paperless-ngx-postprocessor will "normalize" and error-check the created_year, created_month, and created_day fields after the initial values are extracted using the regular expression, and after every individual postprocessing rule.

Normalization is as follows:

  • created_day will be turned into a zero-padded two-digit string (e.g. 09).
  • created_month will be turned into a zero-padded two-digit string (e.g. 04). If created_month is a string and appears to be the name or abbreviation of a month in the current locale (ignoring capitalization) it will be converted to its corresponding number (e.g. Apr or april will be converted to 04).
  • created_year has no normalization. If you want to convert a two-digit year to a four-digit year, you can use the special Jinja filter expand_two_digit_year, like so: {{ created_year | expand_two_digit_year }}. By default this will add the current century, e.g. as of 2022 this will turn 63 into 2063. If you want to set a different century, just pass it to the filter like so: {{ created_year | expand_two_digit_year(19) }} (converting 77 to 1977).

For all three, if the new value is ever not convertible into an int, then it's rejected and the old value is used (either the original value from the document's metadata before any postprocessing, or the last good value before the current individual postprocessing rule).

This normalization and error-checking allows you to extract dates from the document's contents without having to worry about their format or converting month names to numbers. Instead, paperless-ngx-postprocessor does all that for you.

Custom Jinja filters

In addition to the default Jinja filters the following custom filters are available:

  • expand_two_digit_year(prefix=None)
    • Convert a two-digit year to a four-digit year. By default this will add the current century, e.g. as of 2022 this will turn 63 into 2063. If you want to set a different century, just pass it to the filter like so: {{ created_year | expand_two_digit_year(19) }} (converting 77 to 1977).
  • regex_match(pattern)
  • regex_sub(pattern, repl)
  • date(year, month, day)
    • Creates a Python date object for the given date. This allows easier date manipulation inside Jinja templates.
  • timedelta(days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0)
  • last_date_object_of_month(date_object)
    • Takes a Python date object, extracts its month, and returns a new date object that corresponds to the last day of that month.
  • num_documents(**constraints)
    • Queries paperless to see how many documents satisfy all of the constraints. For more information see FIXME below.

These can be used like this:

{{ variable | custom_filter("parameter") }}

See rulesets.d/example.yml for examples of how to use these filters.

Combining rulesets

paperless-ngx-postprocessor reads all of the files in the rulesets.d folder in order, alphabetically by name. In each file, all of the postprocessing rulesets in the given file are also read in order.

Each ruleset that matches a given document is applied one at a time, and the changes from an earlier ruleset will affect what metadata is available in a later ruleset. Additionally, the individual field rules are applied in order, and the changes in one affect what metadata is available in a later rule in the same ruleset. For a given document, metadata created in an earlier ruleset persists across later rulesets (unless changed).

For example, say you had the following rulesets:

First Ruleset:
  match: True
  metadata_regex: 'foo is here (?P<foo>\w+)'
    bar: '{{ foo | upper }'
    foo: "{{ 'it is uppercase' if (foo | upper) == bar else 'it is not uppercase' }"
    title: '{{ foo }}'
Second Ruleset:
  match: True
  metadata_regex: 'foo is here (?P<foo>\w+)'
    foo: "{{ foo | lower }}"
    title: "{{ foo }} {{ title }}"
Third Ruleset
    match: True
    metadata_regex: 'foo is here (?P<foo>\w+)'
      title: "uppercase foo is {{ bar }}"

And let's say the contents of the document was a single line:

foo is here You_found_Me

Each of the rules will match any and every document (since their match field is True), so postprocessing would proceed as follows:

  1. In the First Ruleset, we would first extract foo with the value You_found_Me.
    1. We would then set bar to YOU_FOUND_ME.
    2. Then since bar is equal to foo in all caps, we would set foo to it is uppercase.
    3. Finally, we would set title to {{ foo }}, which has the value it is uppercase.
  2. Then in the Second Ruleset, we would extract foo as before. 2. We would then set foo to you_found_me 3. We would then set the title to you_found_me it is uppercase, since the title had been updated by the previous ruleset.
  3. Finally in Third Ruleset, we would extract foo as before: 6. Since fields persist across rulesets, and bar was set in the First Ruleset, title will be set to uppercase foo is YOU_FOUND_ME. 7. This title will then be used to finally update paperless-ngx.

The num_documents() filter

The num_documents() filter is primarily intended for validation rules. It returns the number of documents that match all of the given constraints. Each of the constraints must be specified by keyword. Valid arguments are:

  • correspondent - The name of the correspondent
  • document_type - The name of the document type
  • storage_path - The name of the storage path
  • asn - The archive serial number
  • title - The title of the document
  • added_year - The added year (as an int)
  • added_month - The added month (as an int)
  • added_day - The added day (as an int)
  • added_date_object - The added date as a Python date object. This is essentially a quicker way than specifying all of added_year, added_month, and added_day.
  • added_range - Finds documents created within a given range. The value should be a tuple containing two date objects, e.g. (start_date, end_date). If either date is None, then that side of the limit is ignored. The limits are exclusive, so (date(2063,04,01), None) will find documents created on or after April 2, 2063, and will not match any documents created on April 1.
  • created_year - The created year (as an int)
  • created_month - The created month (as an int)
  • created_day - The created day (as an int)
  • created_date_object - The created date as a Python date object. This is essentially a quicker way than specifying all of created_year, created_month, and created_day.
  • created_range - Finds documents created within a given range. The value should be a tuple containing two date objects, e.g. (start_date, end_date). If either date is None, then that side of the limit is ignored. The limits are exclusive, so (date(2063,04,01), None) will find documents created on or after April 2, 2063, and will not match any documents created on April 1.

Some examples will help explain how to use num_documents().

Example validation rules

Say you have documents whose creation dates should only be the end of the month (e.g. a bank statement). To catch documents whose creation date isn't the end of the month, you could use:

validation_rule: "{{ created_date_object == last_date_object_of_month(created_date_object) }}"

Say you have documents that should only be created on Sundays. Then you could use the Python date object's weekday() method:

validation_rule: "{{ created_date_object.weekday() == 6 }}"

Say you have documents that should be unique, i.e. only one of that document with a given correspondent, document type, storage path, etc. on a given day. You could use the num_documents custom Jinja filter:

validation_rule: "{{ num_documents(correspondent=correspondent, document_type=document_type, storage_path=storage_path, created_date_object=created_date_object) == 1 }}"

(Note that you have to specify all of those selectors, since the limit filter looks at all documents, not just those that would otherwise match the current ruleset's match rule.)

Or you can get even fancier: say you want at most one document from a particular correspondent in a given calendar week, starting on Sunday. Then we need an expression that will give us the Saturday before since the range for created_range is exclusive. This little one-liner does just that, using the Python timedelta object:

{% set week_start = created_date_object - timedelta(days=(((created_date_object.weekday()+1) % 7) + 1)) %}

And then the Sunday after is just 8 days later:
{% set week_end = week_start + timedelta(days=8) %}

Putting it all together, we get a validation rule like:

validation_rule: >-
  {% set week_start = created_date_object - timedelta(days=(((created_date_object.weekday()+1) % 7) + 1)) %}
  {% set week_end = week_start + timedelta(days=8) %}
  {{ num_documents(correspondent=correspondent, created_range=(week_start, week_end)) == 1}}


Sometimes you'll want to exclude some documents from validation. To do so, you'll need to adjust the match rule to exclude them. It's recommended that you split up the processing and the validation, in that case. E.g. to ignore documents 123 and 456 when doing validation, this:

Some rulename:
  match: '{{ SOME_FILTER }}'
    some_var: '{{ SOME_POSTPROCESSING_RULE }}'
  validation_rule: '{{ SOME_VALIDATION_RULE }}'

becomes this:

Some rulename for postprocessing:
  match: '{{ SOME_FILTER }}'
    some_var: '{{ SOME_POSTPROCESSING_RULE }}'
Some rulename for validation:
  match: '{{ SOME_FILTER and document_id not in [123, 456] }}'
  validation_rule: '{{ SOME_VALIDATION_RULE }}'

Formal ruleset definition

Ruleset syntax

Each ruleset is a single YAML document defined as follows:

Ruleset Name:
  metadata_regex: REGEX
  validation_rule: VALIDATION_TEMPLATE


  • MATCH_TEMPLATE is a Jinja template. If it evaluates to True, the ruleset will match and postprocessing will continue.
  • metadata_regex is optional. If specified,REGEX is a Python regular expression. Any named groups in REGEX will be saved and their values can be used in the postprocessing rules in this ruleset.
  • metadata_postprocessing is optional. If not specified, then paperless-ngx-postprocessor will update the document's metadata based only on the fields extract from the regular expression.
  • METADATA_FIELDNAME_X is the name of a metadata field to update, and METADATA_TEMPLATE_X is a Jinja template that will be evaluated using the metadata so far. You can have as many metadata fields as you like.
  • validation_rule is optional. If specified, paperless-ngx-postprocessor will evaluate the VALIDATION_TEMPLATE Jinja template. If it evaluates to False and the INVALID_TAG is set, then the INVALID_TAG will be added to the document. (If validation_rule is omitted, no validation check is done.)

Available metadata:

The metadata available for matching and postprocessing mostly matches the metadata available in paperless-ngx for filename handling.

The following fields are read-only. They keep the same value through postprocessing as they had before postprocessing started. (If you try to overwrite them with new values, those values will be ignored.)

  • document_id: The document ID.
  • correspondent: The name of the correspondent, or None.
  • document_type: The name of the document type, or None.
  • tag_list: A list object containing the names of all tags assigned to the document.
  • storage_path: The name of the storage path, or None.
  • added: The full date (ISO format) the document was added to paperless.
  • added_year: Year added only (as a str, not an int).
  • added_month: Month added only, number 01-12 (as a str, not an int).
  • added_day: Day added only, number 01-31 (as a str, not an int).
  • added_date: The date the document was added in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • added_date_object: A Python date object for the date the document was added.

The following fields are available for matching, and can be overwritten by values extracted from the regular expression (e.g. by using a named group with the field name) or by postprocessing rules.

  • asn: The archive serial number of the document, or None.
  • title: The title of the document.
  • created_year: Year created only (as a str, not an int).
  • created_month: Month created only, number 01-12 (as a str, not an int).
  • created_day: Day created only, number 01-31 (as a str, not an int).

The following fields are read-only, but will be updated automatically after every step by the values given in the created_year, created_month, and created_day fields.

  • created: The full date (ISO format) the document was created.
  • created_date: The date the document was created in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • created_date_object: A Python date object for the date the document was created.


paperless-ngx-postprocessor can be configured using the following environment variables. The defaults should work for a typical paperless-ngx deployment done via docker-compose. If you want to change them, just add them to the same docker-compose.env file as you use for Paperless-ngx, and they will be passed along from Paperless-ngx to paperless-ngx-postprocessor.

  • PNGX_POSTPROCESSOR_AUTH_TOKEN=<token>: The auth token to access the REST API of Paperless-ngx. If not specified, postprocessor will try to automagically get it from Paperless-ngx's database directly. (default: None)
  • PNGX_POSTPROCESSOR_DRY_RUN=<bool>: If set to True, paperless-ngx-postprocessor will not actually push any changes to paperless-ngx. (default: False)
  • PNGX_POSTPROCESSOR_BACKUP=<bool or path>: Backup file to write any changed values to. If no filename is given, one will be automatically generated based on the current date and time. If the path is a directory, the automatically generated file will be stored in that directory. (default: False)
  • PNGX_POSTPROCESSOR_POSTPROCESSING_TAG=<tag name>: A tag to apply if any changes are made during postprocessing. (default: None)
  • PNGX_POSTPROCESSOR_INVALID_TAG=<tag name>: A tag to apply if the document fails any validation rules. (default: None)
  • PNGX_POSTPROCESSOR_RULESETS_DIR=<directory>: The config directory (within the Docker container) containing the rulesets for postprocessing. (default: /usr/src/paperless-ngx-postprocessor/rulesets.d)
  • PNGX_POSTPROCESSOR_PAPERLESS_API_URL=<url>: The full URL to access the Paperless-ngx REST API (within the Docker container). (default: http://localhost:8000/api)
  • PNGX_POSTPROCESSOR_PAPERLESS_SRC_DIR=<directory>: The directory containing the source for the running instance of paperless-ngx (within the Docker container). If this is set incorrectly, postprocessor will not be able to automagically acquire the auth token. (default: /usr/src/paperless/src)
  • PNGX_POSTPROCESSOR_POST_CONSUME_SCRIPT=<full path to script>: A post-consumption script to run after paperless-ngx-postprocessor is done. All of the environment variables and parameters will be as described in paperless-ngx's documentation (except the values will reflect any new values updated during postprocessing).


In addition to being run as a post-consumption script, paperless-ngx-postprocessor has the ability to be run directly via a command line interface using the script. The primary use case is if you've changed some of your postprocessing rules and want to apply the new postprocessing rules to some of your documents without deleting them from Paperless-ngx and re-importing them.

There are two ways to run as a management script: inside the docker container and outside. In both cases, you have to make sure that you've activated an appropriate Python virtual environment so that can find the Python modules it depends on to run.

Running the management script inside the Paperless-ngx docker container

In order to run inside the Paperless-ngx docker container, you can enter the following line on the Docker host, in the directory that contains docker-compose.yml for Paperless-ngx (e.g. /var/local/paperless-ngx), in order to get a bash terminal inside the Paperless-ngx docker container:

docker-compose exec -u paperless webserver /bin/bash

This should bring you into the docker container, and then you can navigate to the appropriate directory inside the docker container, activate the Python virtual environment, and run

cd /usr/src/paperless-ngx-postprocessor
source venv/bin/activate
./ --help

Running the management script from the docker host

In order to run outside the Paperless-ngx docker container, you'll probably need to set up a new Python virtual environment, instead of using the one inside the Docker container, e.g. do the following on the docker host:

mkdir ~/some/directory/to/keep/the/virtual/environment
cd ~/some/directory/to/keep/the/virtual/environment
python -m venv --system-site-packages venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r /whichever/directory/you/cloned/paperless-ngx-postprocessor/into/requirements.txt

Then any time you want to run you need to make sure to activate the Python virtual environment first (you only need to do so once, until you close that terminal), e.g. on the docker host:

cd ~/some/directory/to/keep/the/virtual/environment
source venv/bin/activate
/whichever/directory/you/cloned/paperless-ngx-postprocessor/into/ --help

Note that to run the management script from the docker host, you need to provide the auth token you generated during setup, e.g. (on the docker host):

./ --auth-token THE_AUTH_TOKEN [specific command here]

You'll probably also need to specify other configuration options (like the rulesets dir and the api url), since paperless-ngx-postprocessor won't automatically read them from Paperless-ngx's docker-compose.env file.

Running inside or outside the docker container

Note that no matter where you run it, will try to use sensible defaults to figure out how to access the Paperless-ngx API. If you have a custom configuration, you may need to specify additional configuration options to See Configuration above for more details.

In terms of how the script works in management mode, it runs post-processing on all documents given a particular criteria. In other words, you provide some criteria for what documents to re-run postprocessing on, and then will process each of those documents as if seeing it for the very first time, applying postprocessing.

For example to re-run postprocessing on all documents with correspondent The Bank, you would do the following (including the auth token if running this command from the Docker host):

./ [--auth-token THE_AUTH_TOKEN] [OTHER OPTIONS] process --correspondent "The Bank"

You can choose all documents of a particular correspondent, document_type, storage_path, tag, and many other selectors, by document_id, or even all documents. For details on how to specify documents, do ./ process --help. Note that As of version 2.0.0, you can combine selectors on the command line.

The command line interface supports all of the same options that you can set via the environment variables listed in the Configuration section above. To see how to specify them, use the command line interface's built-in help:

./ --help

Dry-runs, backups, and restores

The command line interface also supports two feature that you can't do as a post-consumption script.

First, you can do a dry-run to see what would change as a result of postprocessing, without actually applying the changes:

./ --dry-run [the rest of the specific command here]

This is helpful when you are trying to get your postprocessing rules right, since you can see what the effect would be without messing up your documents.

You can also make a backup when you apply postprocessing:

./ --backup [the rest of the specific command here]

This will write a backup file with any fields that were changed by as they were before the changes were made.

To restore backup to undo changes, do:

./ restore path/to/the/backup/file/to/restore

If you want to see what the restore will do, you can open up the backup file in a text editor. Inside is just a yaml document with all of the document IDs and what their fields should be restored to.


Upgrading paperless-ngx

If you are running paperless-ngx in a Docker container, you will need to redo setup step two after any time you upgrade paperless-ngx.

Upgrading paperless-ngx-postprocessor

In the directory where you checked out paperless-ngx-postprocessor, just do a git pull

Upgrading from v1 to v2

  • Rulesets for v2 are a superset of those for v1, so no changes should be necessary.
  • The command line interface has undergone breaking changes, so if you had any scripts that ran the management script (outside of running the standard post-consumption script), they'll need to be updated.


Will this work with paperless or paperless-ng?

Nope, just paperless-ngx.