the code in CopyStream still seems to be there. i don't think it is valid to return the buffer to the pool from a finalizer. there are also many classes...
it's looking better however the following code paths are still active via the finalizer: ProxyServer.Dispose(bool) calls Stop() TcpClientConnection.Dispose(bool) calls Task.Run() TcpServerConnection.Dispose(bool) calls Task.Run() SessionEventArgs/SessionArgsBase/TunnelConnetSessionEventArgs null out some event handlers. probably...
please do not implement destructors unless the class needs to free some unmanaged resource. doing so causes the objects to be queued up for finalization rather than immediately freed by...
also i believe you also should not call Dispose() from the finalizer thread. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.data.sqlclient.sqldatareader.close?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view=netframework-4.8#System_Data_SqlClient_SqlDataReader_Close Caution Do not call Close or Dispose on a Connection, a DataReader, or any other managed...
i use netframework (not netcore) so as long as you don't drop netframework altogether, i'm good! you may want to try to use conditional compilation rather than a branch otherwise...
I think the source is in epsg 102660 https://epsg.io/102660. When I configure map proxy it fails (see below). Please advise as to how to fix this. Thank you. ``` Traceback...
i still can't get a stack, but a possible hint indicates a file system operation failing (possibly due to excessive NTFS fragmentation???). wish i could get a stack so the...
after defragging i still got a hang. attaching a debugger to the running outlook.exe process does not give any stack or tasks :-(. does anyone know if there is a...
possible issue- `SynchronizerFactory.CreateHttpClient` does not set the `Timeout` property on the `HttpClient`. Tracing the code it looks like this is only used for timezone info fetching in `GlobalTimeZoneCache` but i...
+1 i concur, please remove the node binaries from the package and make the node executable path configurable in code. i would like to use my system installed node. this...