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A CSS selector engine for C++
hcxselect - A CSS selector engine for htmlcxx
hcxselect is a small CSS selector engine for htmlcxx. It parses CSS selector expressions and applies them to a set of trees of HTML nodes parsed via htmlcxx.
The "library" consists of a header and a source file and is currently meant to be directly included in other software, as it provides no installation options. Please be aware the flex is needed to generate code for the lexical scanner. However, this needs to be done only once, and the respective header file can be used directly.
hcxselect aims to comply with the Selectors Level 3 specification http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/. However, a couple of browser-specific selectors are not implemented, as they don't make sense here:
* pseudo-classes:
:link, :visited, :hover, :active, :focus, :target, :lang,
:enabled, :disabled, :checked, :indeterminate
* pseudo-elements:
::before, ::after
The following extra pseudo-classes are provided for convenience:
* :text matches text (i.e., non-text and non-comment node)
* :comment matches comment nodes
hcxselect licensed under 3-clause BSD license. However, please be aware that htmlcxx itself uses the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) and uses tree.hh, which in turn is available under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2 or 3.