Griffin.WebServer copied to clipboard
HttpResponseCookies are not written back to the browser
I searched, there is no mention of the string "Set-Cookie" in the whole code.
Here is my working solution in case somebody cares: HttpMessageEncoder's Send method:
/// <summary>
/// Buffer structure used for socket send operations.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="buffer">
/// Do note that there are not buffer attached to the structure, you have to assign one yourself using
/// <see cref="ISocketBuffer.SetBuffer(int,int)" />. This choice was made
/// to prevent unnecessary copy operations.
/// </param>
public void Send(ISocketBuffer buffer)
// last send operation did not send all bytes enqueued in the buffer
// so let's just continue until doing next message
if (_bytesToSend > 0)
buffer.SetBuffer(_buffer, _offset, _bytesToSend);
// continuing with the message body
if (_isHeaderSent)
var bytes = Math.Min(_totalAmountToSend, _buffer.Length);
_message.Body.Read(_buffer, 0, bytes);
_bytesToSend = bytes;
buffer.SetBuffer(_buffer, 0, bytes);
foreach (var header in _message.Headers)
_headerWriter.Write("{0}: {1}\r\n", header.Key, header.Value);
// mr: added cookies to response
if (_message is HttpResponse)
var response = _message as HttpResponse;
foreach(var cookie in response.Cookies.OfType<HttpResponseCookie>())
_headerWriter.Write("Set-Cookie: {0}\r\n", cookie.ToString());
_isHeaderSent = true;
buffer.UserToken = _message;
if (_message.Body == null || _message.ContentLength == 0)
_bytesToSend = (int) _stream.Length;
_totalAmountToSend = _bytesToSend;
buffer.SetBuffer(_buffer, 0, (int) _stream.Length);
var bytesLeft = _buffer.Length - _stream.Length;
var bytesToSend = Math.Min(_message.ContentLength, (int) bytesLeft);
var offset = (int) _stream.Position;
_message.Body.Read(_buffer, offset, bytesToSend);
_bytesToSend = (int) _stream.Length + bytesToSend;
_totalAmountToSend = (int) _stream.Length + _message.ContentLength;
buffer.SetBuffer(_buffer, 0, _bytesToSend);