jquery-builder copied to clipboard
SourceMaps 100% don't work
I appreciate the effort, but if you're going to include the @ sourceMappingURL=
declaration at the top of the minified files, you should provide the source map. If not, just remove the line to avoid confusion.
See: http://sourcemap-validator.herokuapp.com/validate?url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.github.com%2Fjgallen23%2Fjquery-builder%2F0.3.0%2Fdist%2F1.9.1%2Fjquery-ajax-css-dimensions-effects-offset.min.js
adding the sourcemap files is on my todo list.
Let me know if you want some help with that. jQuery currently does it completely wrong for themselves, so I'd like to see someone actually get it right. :)