puppet-gitolite copied to clipboard
Create and manage Gitolite Server
Gitolite Module
James Fryman [email protected]
This module manages Gitolite from within Puppet.
Quick Start
Install and bootstrap a Gitolite Server instance. Includes Gitolite and GitWeb as a viewer
Puppet Labs Standard Library: http://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib
Apache Module: http://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache
Setup the initial Gitolite Admin keys and bootstrap
class { 'gitolite': server => true, site_name => 'Frymanet.com Git Repository', ssh_key => 'ssh-rsa AAAA....', vhost => 'git.frymanet.com', }
Setup the initial Gitolite Admin keys and bootstrap using an external apache module
class { 'gitolite': server => true, site_name => 'Frymanet.com Git Repository', ssh_key => 'ssh-rsa AAAA....', vhost => 'git.frymanet.com', write_apache_conf_to => '/opt/git/git-apache.conf', apache_notify => Service['apache2'], }
Setup the initial Gitolite Admin keys and bootstrap, but don't manage apache
class { 'gitolite': server => true, manage_apache => false, site_name => 'Frymanet.com Git Repository', ssh_key => 'ssh-rsa AAAA....', }
Only install Git Client Binaries
class { 'gitolite': }