Julian Frumar
Julian Frumar
Setting anything other than a string to ng-true-value and ng-false-value breaks the checkbox. This PR supports using object expressions for ng-true-value and ng-false-value. Relevant issue: https://github.com/sebastianha/angular-bootstrap-checkbox/issues/31
The component breaks our form when we switch from the regular `` as we're using an object expression for the ng-true-value and ng-false-value attributes. Relevant PR: https://github.com/sebastianha/angular-bootstrap-checkbox/pull/32
Some of our customers create apps whose names are all numbers (e.g. 4774). This causes the Fabric plugin to break our build with: ``` [11:15:33][Step 5/11] Processing plugin cordova-fabric-plugin [11:15:33][Step...
If you add and then later remove this plugin, the Fabric config that was appended to the build.gradle file is not removed. If you re-add the plugin you'll notice at...
- Adds missing dependency on net/http. - Updates incorrect usage instructions in README.
Thanks a lot for this project! I just came across [RRule](https://github.com/jakubroztocil/rrule) and was about to start integrating it, but then realized that you're already using it. I think that's great,...
- Factored out the dateParsing so that it can be reused to generate an array of EXDATE directives when they are provided in the ICS feed. - Index VEVENTs by...
In an ICS event with these properties: ``` DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20110625 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20110626 ``` The dates aren't parsed at JS dates, but returned as strings. This update will return them as date objects.
There is no documentation for this module, both in the README and in the code (there's no comments, no function JSdoc headers, nothing). This means we've spent countless hours trying...
I am trying to update my build properties by setting 'CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH' (which is required to work around an [apple bug](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26497863/xcode-6-1-error-while-building-ipa-using-testflight-app/26674605#26674605)). When I attempt to set that property, I get the...