Jaap Frolich

Results 135 comments of Jaap Frolich

I am hacking on odoc (but not sure when I will arrive at anything good). Markdown support for doc comments `/** ... */` will land in reason soon automatically converting...

I hope we can land it in the new syntax as well. It is possible to use your own version of refmt with Bucklescript. Are you sure Bucklescript is not...

We have to add an `_` to poly variants that are keywords. It looks like it is somehow not escaped everywhere in the generated code, thanks for the bug report!

Ah hmm that is probably some implicit type that I forgot to include, thanks for catching it!

Would be great for this to be merged!

If you are using template tags we need an inline `require(..)` to make it work reliably because ReScript doesn't have support for template tags. You can use `templateTagAsFunction` which is...

By the way, this shouldn't be a problem with webpack5, I have an webpack 5 website deployed that works fine. What is your configuration?

Ah interesting! How would that work in JS?

I think some production users haven't hit this issue because they use the template tag option (default for rescript-apollo-client). What client are you using? I think this should be fixed...

This issue didn't happen with lower versions? (because handling of this shouldn't have changed too much I think)