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A list of useful Apache NiFi resources, processor bundles and tools
Awesome Nifi
Table of Contents
- Learning NiFi
Blogs and Presentations
- Blogs
- Specific Topics
- Slides
- Videos
- Mailing List Best Of
- Templates and Examples
- Processors and Bundles
- Data Flow Deployment
- Administration
- Configuration Management
- Packages
- Dockerfiles
- Kubernetes
- Vagrantfiles
- Misc
- License
Learning NiFi
- xmlking/nifi-examples - Apache NiFi example flows
- simonellistonball/masterclass-hdf - Various NiFi labs and class
- seanorama/masterclass - Platform setup for nifi masterclass and other Hadoop workshops
- aperepel/nifi-workshop - A complete custom processor project, for your reference
- pcgrenier/nifi-examples - Apache Nifi Examples by
- bbende/nifi-example-bundles - Example processor bundles for Apache NiFi
- abajwa-hw/nifi-network-processor - Sample custom Nifi processor to process tcpdump
- bbende/nifi-streaming-examples - Collection of examples integrating NiFi with stream process frameworks
- DhruvKumar/stocks-dashboard-lab - This lab teaches you how to create a realtime dashboard of stock prices
- Getting Started With Apache NiFi and Hortonworks HDF
Blogs and Presentations
- Apache NiFi Blog
- Bryan Bende (Apache NiFi PMC)
- Fun with Apache NiFi (Apache NiFi PMC)
- Andy LoPresto (Apache NiFi PMC)
- Koji Kawamura (Apache NiFi PMC)
- Pierre Villard (Apache NiFI PMC)
- Richard's Tech Notes
- Dataflow Developer
Specific Topics
- Monitoring An S3 Bucket in Apache NiFi
- IoT streaming with MQTT and Apache NiFi
- Building Data Pipelines for Solr with Apache NiFi
- Using Apache Nifi to Stream Live Twitter Feeds to Hadoop
- Creating a Limited Failure Loop in NiFi
- Update NiFi Flow On-the-fly via API
- ExecuteScript Processor Hello, World!
- Replacing Flow File Content with the ExecuteScript Processor
- Using Modules with the ExecuteScript Processor
- 3 Considerations for Apache NiFi in Financial Services
- Custom Processors for Apache NiFi
- Collecting Logs with Apache NiFi
- Best practices for setting up a high performance NiFi installation
- Using Apache NiFi to read children's books
- What is Apache NiFi?
- Optimizing Performance of Apache NiFi's Network Listening Processors
- Running NiFi on Raspberry Pi. Best Practices.
- Examples integrating NiFi with stream process frameworks
- Use NiFi to Lessen the Friction of Moving Data
- Streaming analytics with SAS Event Stream Processing and Apache Nifi
- Using the Apache Ranger Authorizer
- Overview of X.509 SSL Security on NiFi
- Configuring Apache NiFi SSL Authentication
- Apache NiFi tls-toolkit multi-node standalone in Docker
- Mongo to Mongo Data Moves with NiFi
- Integrating Apache NiFi and Apache Kafka
- Using Apache NiFi to ingest SNMP tables into Avro
- Clojure on Apache NiFi
- Flow-Based Programming for Trading Systems
- Stream data into Hive ORC on CDH 5.8.3 with Nifi
- Creating An Email Bot in Apache NiFi
- Routing Logs through Apache NiFi to Phoenix
- Ingesting Remote Camera Images from RPI via Apache NiFi
- Data Distribution Patterns with Apache NiFi
- Integrating NiFi and Flink
- Data ingestion and distribution with apache NiFi
- Drone Data Flowing Through Apache NiFi
- Real-Time Twitter Sentiment Analysis and Image Recognition with Apache NiFi
- Apache NiFi Overview
- NiFi Crash Course (by Andy LoPresto, Hortonworks) - Very good overview of NiFi, good speaker, with live session in which a data flow is built
- OSCON 2015 : Beyond messaging - Enterprise Dataflow with Apache NiFi
- Hortonworks DataFlow powered by Apache NiFi
- How to navigate and build a dataflow in Apache Nifi
- IoT-Processor for #ApacheNiFi in action. Visualization of Tweets about presidential candidates. #AWSIoT #RaspberryPi
Mailing List Best Of
Templates and Examples
- hortonworks-gallery/nifi-templates - A collection of templates for use with Apache NiFi
- bikash/nifiIoT - Data Tracking using Apache NiFi in IoT, IoE
- BatchIQ/nifi-executescript-samples - Sample scripts for use with Apache NiFi's ExecuteScript processor
- ijokarumawak/nifi-deploy-process-group - Deploy ProcessGroup into your LIVE NiFi data-flow
- tbilou/flickr-nifi - Using Nifi to easily fetch all photo data from Flickr
Processors and Bundles
- xmlking/nifi-scripting - NiFi Dynamic Script Executors
- SwingDev/nifi-file-from-template-processor - Apache NiFi processor to create a new file from a Jinja template
- fsauer65/NiFi-Extensions - This repository contains the source for a json-json transformation processor for apache NiFi
- qiansl127/nifi-spark-bundle - Customized Spark processor on NiFi
- richards-tech/RTNiFiStreamProcessors - IoT MQTT sensor stream capture for Apache NiFi
- MDL/nifi-rabbitmq-bundle - NiFi Rabbit MQ bundle
- xmlking/nifi-websocket - Apache NiFi WebSocket Listener
- ryanleary/nifi-redis - NiFi Processors for pulling from Redis
- jdye64/nifi-gpiorest - NiFi processor example for controlling REST based GPIO device like a Raspberry PI
- aperepel/nifi-mqtt-bundle - A generic support for NiFi interfacing with MQTT brokers
- jfrazee/nifi-kinesis - Kinesis processor for Apache NiFi
- joaohf/nifi-radius - Apache NiFi process to Radius logs
- jdye64/nifi-openalpr - NiFi integration for OpenALPR
- qntfy/nifi-redis - NiFi Processors for handling data in Redis
- jahhulbert-ccri/geomesa-nifi - NiFi GeoMesa ingest processor
- markap14/nifi-nosql-bundle - NiFi NoSQL processors (MongoDB, Accumulo)
- simonellistonball/nifi-OpenCV - Open CV based processors for NiFi
- simonellistonball/nifi-AccumuloGraph - NiFi processors for AccumuloGraph
- helicopterman22/nifi_amqp_processors - A set of processors for sending and retrieving messages from an AMQP broker
- bbukacek/nifi-hadoop-libraries-bundle - NiFi Hadoop Library for MapR
- apiri/nifi-delegated-authorization-bundle - A sample implementation of NiFi extensions working in concert to provide a delegated authorization approach in handling data on a per event basis
- uwegeercken/nifi_processors - Includes an Apache Velocity template processor
- acesir/nifi-ConvertJSONtoCSV-bundle - Convert multi nested JSON files into denormalized, flattened out version of the CSV
- acesir/nifi-ParseCSV-bundle - CSV parsing with masking, encryption and tokenization
- withersdb/ALTER-nifi-putgeowave - A NiFi processor that writes data to GeoWave
- jdye64/nifi-addons - Additional convenience processors not found in core Apache NiFi (OpenCV, Salesforce, Sphinx, Tesseract)
- apsaltis/nifi-soap - NiFi SOAP processor
- jfrazee/nifi-provenance-reporting-bundle - NiFi provenance reporting tasks
- KayLerch/apache-nifi-voiceops-skill - An Alexa skill which can be used to voice-control an Apache NiFi dataflow
- imaifactory/nifi-processors - Includes processors for converting from regex named groups and LTSV to JSON
- selim-namsi/NifiGroKProcessor - Grok processor
- DhruvKumar/nifi-grok-processor-bundle - NiFi processor which can parse using Grok like expressions
- DoxoLogic/nifi-generate-content - Apache nifi processor for creating a new FlowFile content based on property value
- weaverplatform/weaver-nifi - Processor implementations for the Apache NiFi platform for connecting to the Weaver Platform
- kineticadb/kinetica-connector-nifi - GPUdb NiFi Connector
- aperepel/nifi-csv-bundle - CSV processors
- minyk/nifi-headlessbrowser-processor - Returns the page source in its current state to FlowFile, including any DOM updates that occurred after page load
- PromonLogicalis/nifi-spoofing-bundle - NiFi bundle for IP spoofing
- mmiklavc/scalable-ocr - Scalable OCR with Apache NiFi and Tesseract
- openenergi/nifi-azure-datalake - A processor to store NiFi flowfiles in Azure Data Lake
- simonellistonball/PiWiNiFi - A NiFi demo for collecting wifi data from conferences
- simonellistonball/nifi-ml-bundle - A bundle for basic scoring machine learning models in NiFi (PMML).
- simonellistonball/nifi-audio-bundle - Various audio related processors for NiFi
- pinkdevelops/nifi-googlegeocode-bundle - FlowFile enrichment using google geocode service
- jonathantelfer/nifi-neo4j - Bundle to add data into Neo4J graph databases
- compose-ex/nifi-compose-bundle - Mongo streaming and RocksDB processors
- sysunite/sysunite-nifi - Generic Sysunite processors
- BatchIQ/nifi-file-identity-provider-bundle - Identity Provider for Apache NiFi, allowing username/password authentication backed by a local file store
- mrcsparker/nifi-edireader-bundle - Apache NIFI processor that converts EDI ASC X12 and EDIFACT documents into XML
- mrcsparker/nifi-r-bundle - R Processor for NIFI
- pagefault3228/nifi-processor-CheckDiskUsage - NiFi processor that can monitor flowfile and content repository usage and enable back pressure when limits exceeded
- pagefault3228/nifi-reportingtask-NagiosNRDPReporter - NiFi Reporting Task that reports NiFi metrics to Nagios via NRDP
- pinkdevelops/nifi-accumulo-service - Apache NiFi Controller Service for connecting to Apache Accumulo 1.7.0
- mring33621/nats-messaging-for-nifi - NATS messaging processors for Apache Nifi
- aashar/NiFi4Trading - NiFi Bundle for FIX Protocol
- tspannhw/linkextractorprocessor - Extracts links from HTML pages
Webservice client API
- hermannpencole/nifi-swagger-client - Client swagger for nifi with OAuth2 security
Data Flow Deployment
- aperepel/nifi-api-deploy - Demonstrates NiFi template deployment and configuration via a REST API
- Glympse/terraform-provider-nifi - Terraform plugin allowing to automate NiFi flow deployment and management.
- hermannpencole/nifi-config - Nifi : deploy and configure Template
- abajwa-hw/ambari-nifi-service - Ambari service to deploy/manage NiFi on HDP
- prateek/nifi-parcel - Apache NiFi service for Cloudera Manager
Configuration Management
- data-wranglers/nifi - Chef cookbook for Nifi install
- 45fifteen/charm-nifi - juju charm for nifi
- trevor-vaughan/pupmod-simp-nifi - Puppet Module for managing Apache NiFi
- thmaung/nifi-builder - Builds Apache NiFi RPM using rake and mock
- (official) apache/nifi
- apiri/dockerfile-apache-nifi
- mkobit/docker-nifi
- aperepel/docker-nifi
- ijokarumawak/docker-compose-nifi-cluster
- cetic/helm-nifi - Helm Chart to deploy Apache Nifi on a Kubernetes cluster
- mattyb149/nifi-client - A NiFi client library for JVM languages
- sponiro/gradle-nar-plugin - A gradle plugin to create nar files for Apache nifi
- SebastianCarroll/nifi-api - A ruby wrapper for the nifi rest api
- jfrazee/nifi-processor-bundle-scala.g8 - A giter8 template for generating a new Scala NiFi processor bundle
- jdye64/go-nifi - Golang implementation of NiFi Site-to-Site protocol
- SebastianCarroll/nifi-api - A ruby wrapper for the nifi rest api
- mattyb149/nifi-script-tester - A project to create a stub/mock environment for testing ExecuteScript processors
- bbende/apache-ranger-vagrant - Deploys Apache Ranger in a Vagrant VM
- big-solutions/clj-nifi-bundle - A Boot template for clj-nifi projects
- big-solutions/clj-nifi - A Clojure library/DSL for Apache NiFi processors
- tspannhw/rpi-sensehat-mqtt-nifi - Python Scripts for working with MQTT
- tspannhw/rpi-picamera-mqtt-nifi - Python Scripts for working with MQTT + Cameras
Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Joey Frazee. awesome-nifi is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.