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Test your Rails application's JavaScript with the mocha test framework and chai assertion library
Rails `5.0.0` is the current stable release and is not supported by this project's current [gemspec](https://github.com/jfirebaugh/konacha/blob/9118bc8e8e3cf8d7c268b6896f428783ce7c13da/konacha.gemspec#L23-L24): ``` gem.add_dependency "railties", ">= 4.1", "< 5" gem.add_dependency "actionpack", ">= 4.1", "< 5" ```
because raster makes eyes bleed on retina displays 😎
…colored gem which is a dependency for other gem. Further description: Updating the way Konacha uses `colorize` gem so that it does not conflict with other gems. Colorize conflicts with...
Konacha uses `colorize gem` as a dependency to color the "dots" to indicate the tests. Where: `/konacha-4.0.0/lib/konacha/formatter.rb` The `colorize` method is in conflict with the `colorize` method in the **colored**...
Konacha doesn't work with Mocha v3.0.0
All of the tests passing with the default progress formatter, but things break when I try to use the documentation formatter. The configuration file looks like this: ``` Konacha.configure do...
When I use the server ```` bundle exec rake konacha:serve ```` and load the page, all of my mocha tests run, and are green But when I attempt to run...
Hello. Thank you for the very useful testing framework! I am relying on it to test some complex frontend code. I have one issue with the links to suites. To...
Firefox 47 is only compatible with the marionette webdriver (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/QA/Marionette/WebDriver). Selenium needs to be configured to use such driver. Mainly it is: 1. Download the geckodriver from https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases. Extract it...