org-jira icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
org-jira copied to clipboard

org-jira Spacemacs layer

Just a heads up, the development version of spacemacs appears to have org-jira support:

org-jira Spacemacs layer

This Spacemacs layer allows using Jira from within org-mode. This uses the JIRA REST API; if you need support for the deprecated JIRA SOAP API, check out the soap-api branch.


  • Clone the git repository somewhere and add it as a private layer in spacemacs
git clone [email protected]:jfim/org-jira.git
ln -s "`pwd`/org-jira" ~/.emacs.d/private/org-jira
  • Add the org-jira layer to your .spacemacs file
  • Add the Jira url to your .spacemacs file. For example, if your Jira is installed at https://example:443/secure/Dashboard.jspa
(setq jiralib-url "https://example:443")
  • Configure the directory in which org-jira will create org files. You probably want to add it to your agenda files as well, so that org-agenda can show your jira tickets as part of your todo list. org-jira will create one file per Jira project in this directory. For example, if you're assigned projects FOO and BAR, it'll create and in this directory, each containing the tickets assigned to you.
(setq org-jira-working-dir "~/org-jira")
(setq org-agenda-files '("~/org" "~/org-jira"))

Get started

  • Open a random org file, it doesn't matter which one.
  • Press , j i g ('org-jira-get-issues) to retrieve all Jira tickets assigned to you. It'll ask for a login and password. This will create org files in the org-jira-working-dir previously configured.
  • Start working on a Jira ticket by opening the relevant org file, moving your cursor onto a Jira ticket and then pressing , j i w ('org-jira-progress-issue)
  • Comment on a ticket by adding :
** Comment:
This is a comment on this ticket.

You'll then need to synchronize the comment with , j c u ('org-jira-update-comment)

  • You can change the ticket priority by editing the :priority: value in the :PROPERTIES: drawer and syncing it with , j i u ('org-jira-update-issue)
  • To get the latest updates on a ticket, you can refresh it by pressing , j i r ('org-jira-refresh-issue)
  • You can also view the current ticket in your browser by pressing , j i b ('org-jira-browse-issue)
  • Finally, when you're done with the ticket, you can close it by doing , j i w ('org-jira-progress-issue) and selecting Close issue. You may need to hit backspace if the autocompletion suggestion is hiding the close option.


When in org-mode:

  • , j p g 'org-jira-get-projects
  • , j i b 'org-jira-browse-issue
  • , j i g 'org-jira-get-issues
  • , j i h 'org-jira-get-issues-headonly
  • , j i f 'org-jira-get-issues-from-filter-headonly
  • , j i F 'org-jira-get-issues-from-filter
  • , j i u 'org-jira-update-issue
  • , j i w 'org-jira-progress-issue
  • , j i r 'org-jira-refresh-issue
  • , j i c 'org-jira-create-issue
  • , j i k 'org-jira-copy-current-issue-key
  • , j s c 'org-jira-create-subtask
  • , j s g 'org-jira-get-subtasks
  • , j c u 'org-jira-update-comment
  • , j t j 'org-jira-todo-to-jira