My opinion is that we indeed need multiline support. I'm not sure we want to add so many new dependencies for this. could we rather go for a simpler multiline...
Hello Jérémie, which version did you try?
Indeed, it does not work :-( . We didn't really focus on the responsive side until now but clearly we should improve this.
@t00 I made an update to the PR #634 to test mobile browsers. You can run it thanks to netlify with https://deploy-preview-634--svgedit.netlify.app/editor/index.html Let me know if this is enough for...
That was also my impression as well. It's possible to make it "work" with touch devices but the reality is that much more work would be needed to really take...
Indeed, this is not supported anymore. I agree the documentation needs to be updated. Thanks
not possible at this time. We could add the possibility to stay in the current mode if the shift key is pressed. would you agree with this enhancement? any other...
I'm not sure I get your point. If you select an object, you should be able to force the object size manually in the top toolbar. For examole:
I assume the issue is fixed. Please reopen if necessary
Can you clarify your issue? JF