OK, I could indeed reproduce the problem with this svg: ````` Layer 1 `````
update on this one. - The issue is also present on older version (5.1.0) SVGEdit. - event.js with MouseDown and MouseMove event are a good place to start investigating the...
Good start. Let me know if you think you have the full solution.
Hi @Benny4u, good to see you are considering using svgedit. We are in the process to refresh the project so we need questions like yours to let us know where...
The blank icon is likely due to an error in the step 1. It worked for me. Maybe you can try to copy and paste another icon inside svg_edit_icons.svg s...
I did my test on the "new-build" branch which I plan to merge soon. I can do a branch to show what I did if you can wait a little...
can this issue be closed?
two questions: 1. { 0: 640, 1:480 } should be equivalent to [640, 480] no? 2. could you make a step by step guide to reproduce the issue?
Yes, it is indeed linked to this. The mouseMove Event is actually creating a transform but does not check if one was already defined. I think I know how to...
it actually a little trickier than expected but we need to address this for V7.0