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Josh Holbrook's GPL-compatible Free Software

#+title: Josh Holbrook's GPL-compatible Free Software

  • Hello This repository contains my open source repositories that are licensed under either the GPL or GPL-compatible licenses.

For my non-GPL open source software, check out [[][my public repository]].

Each project should be well-documented and with relevant license files.

  • Contents ** This is a straight port of GLib's gshell.c to Python. It is licensed under the LGPL v2.1 or later, at your option. ** Cackledaemon This is a project I wrote for managing my Emacs install on Windows 10. It contains an org-based literate program that encodes a PowerShell module and includes all of my notes and PROTIPS for running Emacs on Windows. It is licensed under the GPL v3 or later, at your option. ** talks These are slide decks I made for the NYC Emacs meetup. They are individually licensed under GPL compatible licenses. Check the directories for more information.