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Josh Holbrook's public software

Josh Holbrook's Public Software


This repository contains most of my open source and source-available code.

For my GPL-compatible free software, check out my GPL-compatible software repository.



This submodule contains my masters thesis. It is licensed under the Community Research and Academic Programming License v0 Beta 0.


This is the toolset I made for myself to manage database stuff on my personal machines. It's currently not in use as it hasn't kept up with my tooling, but will probably be dusted off in the future. It is licensed under an Apache v2.0 license.


This is a collection of (small, but hopefully will grow) fortune files. I intend to put them up on COPR but haven't done it yet.


A collection of scripts I use to glue my Linux desktop and general CLI experience together. Available under a MPL v2.0 license.


mph is a cli for managing Emacs in daemon mode, with functionality for service management and for opening files. The codebase also includes half of an emacs lisp parser. ;) It uses the MPL v2.0 license.


old memes is an old-school Node.js anti-framework built around the good parts of flatiron, a selection of classic substack libraries and the few worthwhile things I personally wrote between roughly 2009 and 2016 - with a targeted dash of modern conveniences. It's a big project, so see its README for more details.


omsxctl is a small rust CLI for controlling openmsx over its socket interface. It can be useful if you're doing retro MSX game development.


These are files I've written for OpenSCAD. So far, these are available under a MPL v2.0 license.


These are projects I've done for political organizations. For more information, see its README.


This is a loose port of the Node.js EventEmitter with special support for coroutines and concurrent programming. It is licensed under an MIT license.


This is my resume! This repository contains PDFs for my standard one-page resume and a longer CV. It's written in LaTeX.


Sie7e Labs FileSync is a work-in-progress file sync tool built on top of git. It intends to be cross-platform. Available under a MPL v2.0 license.


This is a module that makes autoawait work in IPython using Twisted. It is licened under a BSD 3-clause license with additional restrictions. See the included NOTICE file for details.

For more information, read the blog post on