ansible-netdata copied to clipboard
Ansible playbook to install netdata anywhere
I think this task: ``` - name: install pre-requisites package: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: "{{ netdata_script_dependencies }}" register: _install_dep_packages until: _install_dep_packages is succeeded retries: 5 delay: 2...
Changed dependency "loop" to one command. Because the machine can install all packages on one command. Create the SUSE variable file so that there is no error.
Hi, I want to netdata configure/install only python modules on my machines. With variable in playbooks I need configure to install only this modules? Thank you for the time
Hi Geoffrey and thanks for this Ansible role! I've been using it for over a year and it saved me tones of time! I'm opening this issue after upgrading my...
Solution: ``` - name: Netdata check if first time install stat: path=/etc/netdata register: path_netdata ``` and to determine whether to install: ``` - name: "Installation" shell: cd /usr/src/netdata/ && ./