@thomasaarholt @tacaswell this does not close the old (hidden) figure and can create a huge number of figures that stay open. Using the same name indicates that I want to...
Good questions, seem to be answered. I do not think this is a feature request for (3) so I will close this.
If you delete ffhq_PCA.npz does it recreate it?
No response, unable to reproduce.
It looks like your GPU is out of memory. I will look into providing a CPU flag, and try to document how much memory it needs. We have used this...
This is repository is part of a project I did with a colleague to reconstruct 3D buildings. I output a .yml file that includes the estimated bounding boxes of a...
Here -- I tested it and I live-streamed to YouTube. The audio is bad, but I show the whole process I think. I found that the dockerhub `jfemiani/segnet-facade:cuda8-cudnn3` tag needed...
Not that I am aware of. You should be able to use the cpu if the gpu is giving you trouble. On Jan 12, 2018 3:50 AM, "zzqstar" wrote: >...
@zzqstar Were you able to use the GPU? One thing I have found is that sadly there is some coupling between the nvidia drivers and libraries on the host and...
I probably run that from within jupyter notebook that already has numpy included. Feel free to make changes and I will add you to the git repo if you like...