dash-haskell copied to clipboard
dash docset builder for Haskell packages and cabal project dependencies
This sets up a Stack build for `dash-haskell` and upgrades it to run on GHC 8.0.2 projects. I've been able to successfully test this on `ghc-8.0.2` itself: ``` Yetti> dash-haskell...
Hi there, I'm trying to use dash-haskell with stack: ``` $ stack exec -- dash-haskell -c foo.cabal --db /Users/bts/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/nightly-2015-07-15/7.10.1/pkgdb using package db stack: > ghc distribution (global db) > system...
Please feel free to reject if you have other plans for `stack` or any ideological reasons for not wanting to use it. (Author discretion very much respected. 😄 ) I...
cabal install fails with the following (cabal 1.24): ``` [ 1 of 15] Compiling Data.Maybe.Util ( src/Data/Maybe/Util.hs, dist/build/dash-haskell/dash-haskell-tmp/Data/Maybe/Util.o ) [ 2 of 15] Compiling Db ( src/Db.hs, dist/build/dash-haskell/dash-haskell-tmp/Db.o ) [...
Hi, would this convert a haddock database such as https://www.stackage.org/lts-3.3/db.hoo etc to Dash ? Or be easy to extend ? Thanks
example case: dash-haskell, fast-logger-2.4.0 ``` parsing cabal file: fast-logger.cabal warning: removed the following packages from processing due version range overlap: Dependency (PackageName {unPackageName = "base"}) (IntersectVersionRanges (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion (Version...