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A series of Jupyter notebooks on signal processing

A Journey in Signal processing with Jupyter

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A Series of lectures given at ESIEE-Paris, ISBS-Paris, ENSG

by: J.-F. Bercher, (c) 2014-2018

We provide here the complete collection of Jupyter's notebooks, together with their html version and a PDF EBOOK.

  • Notebooks are located in the subdirectory src and not fully executed,
  • while the html version in html corresponds to the full output.

Beware that the notebooks make a heavy use of some Jupyter javascript extensions (e.g. latex_envs, exercise, ...) and unfortunately do not render correctly in nbviewer or in the github viewer ; that is the reason why we provide the static version in ./html. See the install section below.

Table of Contents

The full table of contents is here. Below are the chapter heads.

I - Effects of delays and scaling on signals

II - A basic introduction to filtering

III -Introduction to the Fourier representation

IV - Fourier transform

V - Convolution

VI - Lab on Basic System Representations

VII - The continuous time case

VIII - Periodization, discretization and sampling

IX - Lab on basics in image processing

X - Digital filters

XI - Lab on Basic Filtering Problems

XII - Random Signals

XIII - Adaptive Filters


  • Clone the repo as usual

  • The notebooks use a bunch of nbextensions that you shall install.

    • In particular, they need the latex_envs extension that enable to enter and display LaTeX environments. You can install LaTeX_envs from pip and conda :
pip3 install jupyter_latex_envs [--user][--upgrade]
jupyter nbextension install --py latex_envs [--user|--sys-prefix|--system]
jupyter nbextension enable --py latex_envs [--user|--sys-prefix|--system]

The best option is to install these extensions from the IPython-contrib/IPython-notebook-extensions repo (also installable from Pypi). Follow the guidelines there. You may also install these extensions directly from here using:

	# Install jupyter extensions
	jupyter nbextension install https://rawgit.com/jfbercher/latex_envs/master/latex_envs.zip  --user
	jupyter nbextension enable latex_envs/latex_envs  
	jupyter nbextension install https://rawgit.com/jfbercher/small_nbextensions/master/highlighter.zip  --user
	jupyter nbextension enable usability/highlighter/highlighter 
	jupyter nbextension install https://rawgit.com/jfbercher/small_nbextensions/master/interactive_sols.zip  --user
	jupyter nbextension enable usability/interactive_sols/interactive_sols 
	jupyter nbextension install https://rawgit.com/jfbercher/small_nbextensions/master/exercise.zip  --user
	jupyter nbextension enable usability/exercise/main 
	jupyter nbextension install https://rawgit.com/jfbercher/small_nbextensions/master/exercise2.zip  --user
	jupyter nbextension enable usability/exercise2/main 
	jupyter nbextension install https://rawgit.com/jfbercher/small_nbextensions/master/rubberband.zip  --user
	jupyter nbextension enable usability/rubberband/main 

Development - Contributing - Contact

This is an ongoing work and the maturity of the different chapters varies. Actually the first chapters are much less finalized that the later ones. Feel free to make corrections, add contents, examples, information. Your contribution will be most welcome (and acknowledged). You may do so by changing the files and submitting a pull request via the github interface.

Contact the main author, Jean-François Bercher, at jf "dot" bercher "at" gmail "dot" com