batch-import copied to clipboard
One row in csv -> one node created?
Do I understand this correct (I hope not): 1 row in csv file = 1 created node?
I have a JSON file of this kind: [ { "location" : { "country" : "CH", "refs" : [ { "target" : "D11595", "type" : "HLS" } ], "desc" : "Benediktinerkloster", "region" : "CH-SG", "settlement" : { "$ref" : "loc", "$id" : "loc000034" } }, "names" : [ { "lang" : "la", "text" : "Fabariense", "type" : "orig", "alias" : 1 }, { "lang" : "de", "text" : "Peffers", "type" : "orig" }, { "lang" : "de", "text" : "Pfaͤfers", "type" : "orig" }, { "lang" : "de", "text" : "Phêvers", "type" : "orig" } ], "_id" : "loc000001", "type" : "S.MSTY" }]
Then I convert it to CSV and get this:
location/country,location/refs/0/target,location/refs/0/type,location/desc,location/region,location/settlement/$ref,location/settlement/$id,names/0/lang,names/0/text,names/0/type,names/0/alias,names/1/lang,names/1/text,names/1/type,names/2/lang,names/2/text,names/2/type,names/3/lang,names/3/text,names/3/type,_id,type CH,D11595,HLS,Benediktinerkloster,CH-SG,loc,loc000034,la,Fabariense,orig,1,de,Peffers,orig,de,Pfaͤfers,orig,de,Phêvers,orig,loc000001,S.MSTY
which is actually 1 row. In my graph-DB I need some elements of this 1 line to be nodes, others - their properties. For example id would correspond to class place_id, which has an instance with a property loc_id = 'loc000001'. Fabariense is an instance of class placeName, which has property name = 'Fabariense'. Those two classes are related with a relationship, place_id has_name placeName
So, if the batch-importer will treat each row as one node with properties, this is not what I need. Please, correct me if I am wrong. I would be happy to hear any advice on how to get my JSON data into my Neo4j DB, which I am using via Neomodel. Sorry, if it is off topic.
I think what you're looking for is LOAD CSV in Cypher which allows you to take that single line and distribute it across any number of nodes and relationships.
With the batch-importer you'd either create multiple csv files (one per type of node) or have one file with a sparse matrix, i.e. one row per node but different columns with data.
Thank you very much for the piece of advice! Load CSV looks like what I need)) Now I have to upgrade my Neo4j to 2.1...