Jewel Andraia Darger-Sacher

Results 47 issues of Jewel Andraia Darger-Sacher

We're looking for speakers for our meetup! ![]( **How do I submit a talk?** You can either comment on this issue or send us an email at [email protected]. **When and...


Part 1 of #531 Eventually I want to wire up the .md files as actual routes so they'll render with all the content prefab.

@billyroh built out a great write-up of WaffleJS responsibilities he was responsible for. We should get that into the organizer playbook, and @chromakode should add his notes.

* Call time (when to show up) * Ask speakers how to pronounce their names/pronouns and other notes for their introduction (e.g. fun facts) * Bonus: stash "about the speaker"...

Requires getting a Cloudflare API credentials which can be stashed in

Relies on #535 Prior art :