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Graphical user interface and programming tool for JeVois smart cameras
also, please send me a link if that is faster..
Ubuntu 19.04 installs libicu63. The deb of jevois-inventor for 18.04 fails to run. The error message is **"error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such...
Hi, I am newer to the Jevois, I have tried to display the image in Jevois-inventor, the screen is black. But I can show the image with ''sudo apt-get install...
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="1d6b",ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="0102", TAG+="uaccess", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1", ENV{ID_MM_CANDIDATE}="0" it's a one liner, stick it in /etc/udev/rules.d/69-javois.rules and plug the camera in again TAG+=uaccess adds an acl for the console user and ID_MM_* tells...
Enabling the user to install use any camera with Jevois Inventor - This would provide a really nice gui for testing different machine vision applications.
The settings under "Vision Module" are visible but greyed out and unavailable I am running Jevois inventor 1.0.0 with camera running JeVois 1.20.0 on a freshly flashed SD. The demo...