elasticsearch-gui copied to clipboard
Can you add user roles and permission based searches?
It would be great if user roles and permission are also considered in the plugin.
Do you mean as in supporting the X-Pack shield component? Or any other ideas?
Supporting X-Pack shield component in the GUI is one option. But it is costly and other alternative is to use search-guard.
It would be nice to use search-guard and authenticate user in the Elasticsearch-GUI .
Hide/show search results to the user depending on certain rights:
Something like this:
angular.module(jcs.modules.auth.name).directive('access', [ jcs.modules.auth.services.authorization, function (authorization) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var makeVisible = function () { element.removeClass('hidden'); }, makeHidden = function () { element.addClass('hidden'); }, determineVisibility = function (resetFirst) { var result; if (resetFirst) { makeVisible(); } result = authorization.authorize(true, roles, attrs.accessPermissionType); if (result === jcs.modules.auth.enums.authorised.authorised) { makeVisible(); } else { makeHidden(); } }, roles = attrs.access.split(','); if (roles.length > 0) { determineVisibility(true); } } }; }]);
Interesting, did not know about this project yet. Currently not really planning support, but it is interesting. Going to take a good look at it.