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How to dynamically change axis labels?
I have the code below:
<c3chart bindto-id="chartGroupDataPoints" chart-data="datapoints" chart-columns="datacolumns" chart-x="datax" callback-function="handleChartCallback"> <chart-size chart-height="240"/> <chart-bar ratio="0.3" width="70"/> <chart-axes values-x="x"/> <chart-axis> <chart-axis-x axis-position="outer-center" axis-type="category"/> <chart-axis-y axis-position="outer-middle" axis-label="{{ mailingListsStatus }}" axis-type="category"> <chart-axis-y-tick tick-format="d"/> </chart-axis-y> </chart-axis> </c3chart>
When $scope.mailingListsStatus changes in my controller the y axis label does not change. Could you please advise how to do that?
Did you ever figure out how to update the y axis label?