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Failed to obtain certificate when use GCE
Hi , I experience some issue when i am trying to obtain certificate. Those issues occurs only when i try to use gce LoadBalancer. when i am trying the same with nginx everything works well.
I am doing the following:
- Deploy kube-lego to its own namespace
- Deploy all other resources (services, deployments and tls)
my TLS looks like that:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: my-server
kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "gce"
- hosts:
- devel.******.mobi
secretName: my-server-tls
- host: devel.******.mobi
- path: /
serviceName: my-server
servicePort: 80
the ****** is for hiding the domain ...
- After i have an IP address of the load balancer i go to my DNS manager and point devel.******.mobi to it.
I see that kube-lego service is trying to populate the certificate and the error that i am getting is:
2017-01-12T15:14:24.145268161Z time="2017-01-12T15:14:24Z" level=info msg="requesting certificate for devel.******.mobi" context="ingress_tls" name=my-server namespace=dev
2017-01-12T15:15:43.558005415Z time="2017-01-12T15:15:43Z" level=warning msg="authorization failed after 1m0s: reachabily test failed: Get http://devel.******.mobi/.well-known/acme-challenge/_selftest: dial tcp: lookup devel.******.mobi on no such host" context=acme domain=devel.******.mobi
2017-01-12T15:15:43.558123998Z time="2017-01-12T15:15:43Z" level=error msg="Error while process certificate requests: no domain could be authorized successfully" context=kubelego
2017-01-12T15:15:43.562858604Z time="2017-01-12T15:15:43Z" level=info msg="ignoring as has no annotiation 'kubernetes.io/tls-acme'" context=ingress name=kube-lego-nginx namespace=kube-lego
and also my LoadBalancer looks fine:
So i really don't know what is the issue ... Can you please try to help me to figure it out?
thanks in advanced.
I think the kube-lego ingress is attempting to use nginx
as the controller. Unless you specify it, the LEGO_DEFAULT_INGRESS_CLASS
is nginx
, and this breaks everything unless you also have an nginx controller available
Thanks @Draiken for your recommendation, I tried to set LEGO_DEFAULT_INGRESS_CLASS to gce, but it didn't solve the issue. Do you have a more detailed way to fix it? Thanks!
@pierreozoux sorry but in my case, since it worked, that was as far as I got.
Something cannot be reached from kube-lego. I assume you should debug that. If the route is correctly going to the correct backend, if the backend goes to kube-lego, etc.
At last if I couldn't find the problem, I'd try nuking the whole thing and try again from scratch.
I faced this too. What I see is kube-lego-gce
service does not have selector:
➜ ~ kubectl describe service kube-lego-gce
Name: kube-lego-gce
Namespace: stage
Labels: <none>
Selector: <none>
Though it works with node port (curl nodeip:nodeport/.well-known/acme-challenge/_selftest
), it does not work through gce ingress/balancer (curl mydomain.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/_selftest
If I create another service with selector for kube-lego
pod, it works through ingress/balancer.
There is some open issue on it?
For me it started to work after I used this configuration for Ingress.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: mysite
namespace: default
kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "gce"
- hosts:
- www.mysite.com
secretName: mysite-tls
serviceName: ghost
servicePort: 80
- host: www.mysite.com
- path: /*
serviceName: ghost
servicePort: 80
- host: www.mysite.com
- path: /.well-known/acme-challenge
serviceName: kube-lego-gce
servicePort: 8080
#132 fix this, besides as @camilb ⬆️ posted the same solution
Where is the kube-lego-gce service coming from? It's not defined in the example right?
@jamesthompson AFAIK it's dynamically created by the kube-lego pod, depending on what you specified as the ingress type.
Still not working for me. Now i get 502 error
@ranhsd 502 is coming from gce ingress, could you update your gce ingress to the latest release kube-lego to canary version and try again?
ps. Just to let you know that this is related to gce ingress and not kube-lego
@gianrubio How do I update my GCE ingress to the latest release?
Hi, finally i've managed to solve the issue. I had multiple issues that i needed to solve:
- In my ingress file i added both the /* and /.well-known/acme-challenge to the paths so at the end my ingress file looks like the following:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: ******-server
kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "gce"
- hosts:
- beta.******.****
secretName: ******-server-key
- host: beta.******.****
- path: /*
serviceName: ******-server
servicePort: 80
- path: /.well-known/acme-challenge
serviceName: kube-lego-gce
servicePort: 8080
- When you create GCE load balancer there is an auto health check that is done and it looks like that 200 http code must be returned by the health check and in my case when someone is trying to access to root URL of my api (beta.**.) without sending an API key then it will fail with 403 (Forbidden) what i did is to point the health check into another endpoint which was created especially for this purpose. This change should be done on the deployment.yml file so in my case it looks like the following:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: ******-server
replicas: 1
name: ******-server
app: ******-server
tier: backend
role: application-server
- name: ****-keys
secretName: ****-keys
- name: ******-server-config
name: ******-server-config
- image: gcr.io/******-****/**-server:v0.9
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: ******-server
command: ["npm","start",--,]
args: ["/etc/config/******-server-config.json"]
- name: ******-server-config
mountPath: "/etc/config"
readOnly: true
- name: push-keys
mountPath: "/etc/keys/*****/***"
- containerPort: 1337
path: /health
port: 1337
initialDelaySeconds: 5
timeoutSeconds: 1
Please note to the readinessProbe section there i make sure that the health check is done in front of the /health endpoint. (the default endpoint is of course the root endpoint)
Now everything works very well for me. I think we should add it to the docs so other users will know how it should be done... what do you think?
I cannot reproduce this issue, except that I got some messages from the apiserver. Gce has a limit of 5 backend services . I'm not sure if it's related, but I guess it's good to share here for reference.
$ kubectl get events -w --all-namespaces
[echoserver 2017-05-10 23:41:48 +0200 CEST 2017-05-10 23:35:18 +0200 CEST
19 echoserver Ingress Warning GCE :Quota
{loadbalancer-controller } googleapi: Error 403: Quota 'BACKEND_SERVICES' exceeded.
Limit: 5.0, quotaExceeded
echoserver 2017-05-10 23:42:45 +0200 CEST 2017-05-10 23:35:18 +0200 CEST
20 echoserver Ingress Warning GCE :Quota
{loadbalancer-controller } googleapi: Error 403: Quota 'BACKEND_SERVICES' exceeded.
Limit: 5.0, quotaExceeded
echoserver 2017-05-10 23:44:51 +0200 CEST 2017-05-10 23:35:18 +0200 CEST
21 echoserver Ingress Warning GCE :Quota
{loadbalancer-controller } googleapi: Error 403: Quota 'BACKEND_SERVICES' exceeded.
Limit: 5.0, quotaExceeded
I'm having this same problem. In my deployment.yaml I setup a readinessProbe for my app:
path: /login
port: 8080
The problem here is the auto health check kube-lego creates adds /login when it really needs just "/"
I've found the same issue causing the GLBC Health Check to fail (and therefore it is not forwarding any traffic to the kube-lego-gce service).
This will show up in the kube-lego DEBUG Log as:
error while authorizing: reachability test failed: wrong status code '502'