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unable to create node from cite
I would very much like to be able to use Jethro's function jethro/org-roam-node-from-cite ( but I seem to be missing something about what it requires to work.
I'm using emacs 27.1 (from Debian bullseye) together with latests versions from MELPA of these packages :
biblio, biblio-core, bibtex-completion, citar, citar-embark, citar-org-roam, embark, embark-consult, marginalia, modus-themes, olivetti, orderless, org, org-journal, org-roam, org-roam-bibtex, use-package and vertico
No errors, in principle, in my init.el file and the rest of the org-related functions work without trouble.
My bibtex bibliography file is found by citar and I can cite a reference, open its related files and links.
However, when I try to use the jethro/org-roam-node-from-cite I get this error:
citar-select-ref: Keyword argument :multiple not one of (:filter)
After looking into the code of citar.el I tried to modify the second line of the function to be:
(interactive (list (citar-select-ref)))
When I do that the error message disappears and the list of my references is shown. But as soon as I pick one to create a new node from it I get a new error:
let: Symbol’s function definition is void: citar--format-entry-no-widths
Unfortunately, I have no idea on how to deal with this one.
Any advice would be appreciated.